Damn this Arab almost went to jail tonight lol I was supposed to get my new insurance card today but didn't have time to drive there before work. Guess these assholes didn't put me in their system yet. Anyway, got pulled over for the light above my plate being out (news to me btw) and when the officer took my card and I explained he said I should be fine. Came back and was like "Uhmm you don't have insurance." Then two more squads pulled up. I was like fuckkkkk. Thank God he was a cool dude. He was like "Ya know what just promise me you'll call tomorrow and get the insurance straightened out and just go straight home tonight. I'm not gonna write you up." It was such a bad day at work I was debating going to get a beer or two. Thank Jeebus I didn't.
Yup. I got pulled over for it being out (twice) as well a few months back. I swapped the bulb out but still didn't have power to the bulb. Same cop got me again for it before I got it fixed. The cop explained that it's not uncommon for people to unhook the lights when their registration isn't up to date so you can't see the sticker on the plate.
It's dizzying to watch people on social media defending Joel Osteen. Half my high school class is fighting over it on one of them's fb status. There's like 350+ comments
Half the defenders are like "We don't know the whole story". The other half are like "He's allowed to do whatever he wants with his money". So they're either in denial or they're scumbags. My 20 year high school reunion is coming up so hopefully we can keep some of this going through then lol
I need help. At the end of September we have a Bad Taste Shirt day at work to raise money for deaf children. My work really should know better than to do things like this. I have been thru my fancy dress box. And I can't decide between 1. The multi colour blouse 2. The yellow top (that is so tight I have to dislocate my shoulder blades to get into) or 3. The sheer brown see thru top where you can see my nipples
"yeah dude I'm booking you for weed while I'm stoned" is what I said.
His response was "don't get caught"