Gary, I don't really know you because obv internet forum and all but there seems to be some kind of inferiority complex in your brain. You do what Erik used to. You say how much better you are than everyone and flex on everyone with your stubs and whatnot but then you come back here to post and make sure that we know how much "better" you are. If you were 100% confident in your career field and the amount of money you made, you wouldn't be on edge trying to flex a pay stub every time someone slightly leaned in the direction of money. You claim to not be racist and be open minded, but you literally described a Spanish woman using EBT as "one of those" and then went on this entire rant about how "most of them aint legal" and this horseshit ass casual racism. You provide for your family with the money you have and donate to some ( i.e. not Ape's) charities, and that's cool. But if all of that was a truly selfless act, you wouldn't be posting about it as a flex every time anything related to these subjects came up. And before you accuse me of it, I'm not even knocking truck drivers. My old man has been driving a truck for 20+ years and provides perfectly fine for a family of 7. All I'm saying is for someone who claims to be an open minded, selfless person, you come off as a selfish childish prick 90% of the time you post. If you were truly satisfied with your life, you wouldn't make such a persistent effort to post about it the way you do.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)