im at least 80% sure. they confirmed today that its not electric wizard cuz a bunch of people were asking, even though it was kinda obvious. couple people said isis reunion, but thats very unlikely as well. others are dim ass bulbs who said kyuss.
only other educated guess ive seen besides qotsa is king crimson, but i dont think fripp would agree to do something like that ecen as part of their tour.
Day 4 of eating basically 25 carbs or less. Trying this for 30 days to see how it effects me and if i like it. I think my boy has used up all its glucose stores because i have the sugar withdrawal headache and some signs of ketosis.
fuck it can be a pain in te ass doe. I just realized these breath mints i bought yesterday have 2 grams of carbs in them .
Man honestly other than the sugar withdrawal headache this is the best i have felt in a long long time doe. This is only day 4 too. Sugar is poison my dudes.
I tried a low carb diet for almost 2 months and lost almost 20 pounds. However once I eventually started eating more then my allotted amount of carbs the weight started coming back. But stick to it and you'll see results.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Im not really trying this because its low carb. Im trying the keto thing because my energy levels have really been lacking.
Im trying not to mentally think of it as a diet and more of a life style change. Im gonna be 30 next year. I have to take some action on my health or im finna die young.
I decided to jump in cold turkey. Its rough but i am already seeing small benefits. I have been dealing with a lot of issues as far as anxiety and depression and searching for an answer lately. Even though i have health insurance it has been a nightmare for me to find a primary care doctor so i am trying to take matters into my own hands. I know a big factor with my issues is my diet.
It is a pain in the fucking ass doe. I can't eat shit lol. Cooking every day takes time but once its part of my routine i wont mind. Im actually probably gonna meal plan this weekend. Like todays lunch is some tuna and an avocado.
Dinner is probably gonna be some kind of fish and vegetables combo since iv had red meat the last couple days.
only other educated guess ive seen besides qotsa is king crimson, but i dont think fripp would agree to do something like that ecen as part of their tour.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Like Bojack
fuck it can be a pain in te ass doe. I just realized these breath mints i bought yesterday have 2 grams of carbs in them
I tried a low carb diet for almost 2 months and lost almost 20 pounds. However once I eventually started eating more then my allotted amount of carbs the weight started coming back. But stick to it and you'll see results.
Im trying not to mentally think of it as a diet and more of a life style change. Im gonna be 30 next year. I have to take some action on my health or im finna die young.
I decided to jump in cold turkey. Its rough but i am already seeing small benefits. I have been dealing with a lot of issues as far as anxiety and depression and searching for an answer lately. Even though i have health insurance it has been a nightmare for me to find a primary care doctor so i am trying to take matters into my own hands. I know a big factor with my issues is my diet.
It is a pain in the fucking ass doe. I can't eat shit lol. Cooking every day takes time but once its part of my routine i wont mind. Im actually probably gonna meal plan this weekend. Like todays lunch is some tuna and an avocado.
Dinner is probably gonna be some kind of fish and vegetables combo since iv had red meat the last couple days.