Keystone was the beer of choice for me and my friends during our pre-legal days. Tastes like ass but 20 bucks fueled an entire night of beer pong so fuck it
) was either Keystone or Rolling Rock for us.
Yuuuuuuup ))) both are fucking woat but damn it made a lot of memories
Hell yes. I remember sneaking a 30 pack in to my buddies garage and just lighting up joints and drinking and smoking for hours. Good fucking times man. Felt like you were the shit when you had that much beer at the time even though they taste like ass )
I know no one here will give a shit, but i finally caught my photography break. Im fucking giddy and shit, its not even a huge deal but im stoked for it.
Why do you assume no one will give a shit? Lol as much as everyone here likes to be an asshole, were all usually stoked for each other when someone is being productive or accomplishes something they've been working at. We're like a married couple. We can be the supportive happy mother or the drunken abusive step dad who will beat you. It's not always bad.
Eh, i know people like you, slap, satan, alex etc can be laid back and talk to whoever. But i know everyone else would ignore it. Regardless. I met a well known singer tonight at a small show, and he liked my photos of his band at Rockville, and he asked if i would consider sIhooting their tour this fall.
I hate it when people post crap like this. Like, Facefuck, why would it be a problem that you post something cool that happened to you? People will be supportive.
But no, you instead post this woe we's me crap where you make sure you won't be disappointed if nobody comments cause you already set yourself out to be some uncaring loser. It's a sign of having 0 confidence in yourself, which means that this photo gig you're so giddy about will probably fail, you'll give up on your dreams forever, and then die alone.
lol. I get what you're saying, but it's not exactly it. Ive talked about it with a couple people without any "woe is me" shit, and it was a general conversation. And i do have confidence in what i do, if i truly didn't then i wouldn't have even made it this far with it. Ive just been hete long enough to know how everyone here works. I know that its as irrelevant here as any kind of opinion i have on any subject here, especially considering idk anyone here who even likes the band in subject. Idk man, im just being realistic about it. /shrugs
I hate it when people post crap like this. Like, Facefuck, why would it be a problem that you post something cool that happened to you? People will be supportive.
But no, you instead post this woe we's me crap where you make sure you won't be disappointed if nobody comments cause you already set yourself out to be some uncaring loser. It's a sign of having 0 confidence in yourself, which means that this photo gig you're so giddy about will probably fail, you'll give up on your dreams forever, and then die alone.
Eh, i know people like you, slap, satan, alex etc can be laid back and talk to whoever. But i know everyone else would ignore it. Regardless. I met a well known singer tonight at a small show, and he liked my photos of his band at Rockville, and he asked if i would consider sIhooting their tour this fall.
FF is such a baby ). Im pretty sure no one has anything against him and would be happy for him. Fuck we even gave him constructive criticism with his photos. But nah he wants to pull this "look at me, im not going to tell you whats going on with me but please pretty please LOOK AT ME!!!!"
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
But no, you instead post this woe we's me crap where you make sure you won't be disappointed if nobody comments cause you already set yourself out to be some uncaring loser. It's a sign of having 0 confidence in yourself, which means that this photo gig you're so giddy about will probably fail, you'll give up on your dreams forever, and then die alone.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
What am I homo - chopped liver ?