>been working Saturday's >fucking tired of it >boss last week "work on Sat" >me "nope, ain't doing it" >get scheduled anyway >"nope, ain't doing it" >Boss "K but next time need more notice" >me "that's all the notice you gave us" >Boss "yeah well blah blah blah" >give boss Jobe face (you know the one) >"this is every Saturday I'm not working" >circle every Saturday on desk calendar >Boss visibly pissed >go home for weekend >Sat off was nice
>come in today >email from Boss >work this Saturday >da fuq? >email him back >lol no >to be continued?
My face is ugly enough to have gotten one Saturday off so far. That's more than anyone else has gotten.
I'm already over this job. It's easy because I make it easy, I'm good at what I do... I get paid for what I know how to do, not what I actually do. But none of the management seems to respect what we do out here. But if they want to lean on my time any more they are gonna have to dig in their pockets. At this point if they fire me I win. If I get Saturday's off I win. If I get a raise I win.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
>fucking tired of it
>boss last week "work on Sat"
>me "nope, ain't doing it"
>get scheduled anyway
>"nope, ain't doing it"
>Boss "K but next time need more notice"
>me "that's all the notice you gave us"
>Boss "yeah well blah blah blah"
>give boss Jobe face (you know the one)
>"this is every Saturday I'm not working"
>circle every Saturday on desk calendar
>Boss visibly pissed
>go home for weekend
>Sat off was nice
>come in today
>email from Boss
>work this Saturday
>da fuq?
>email him back
>lol no
>to be continued?
I'm already over this job. It's easy because I make it easy, I'm good at what I do... I get paid for what I know how to do, not what I actually do. But none of the management seems to respect what we do out here. But if they want to lean on my time any more they are gonna have to dig in their pockets. At this point if they fire me I win. If I get Saturday's off I win. If I get a raise I win.