Watching a live show of Code Orange from 2015 on youtube and regretting going down to the main stage before them at New England Metal Fest, but I have a question. I've seen a few hardcore sets before but aside from some slam dancing and stage diving it wasn't too crazy. In the vid I'm watching, guys are running along the front of the stage, punching everyone in the back of the head they can. Surprisingly enough nobody turns around to fight back. What?
Man i found out recently that an old friend of my routinely beats his girl. Like a month and a 1/2 ago he was in jail and gave us some kind of bs excuse about not paying child support. Apperantly it turns out she went to the store to get ice cream and she got the wrong kind so he beat her and the cops showed up.
her friend texted my buddy telling him that he will strangle her if she tells him she doesnt want to have sex and shit.
We have a group text going on with me and a couple more friends trying to figure out what we can do. Im fucking disgusted i want to puke.
Anger and violence of that nature come from somewhere else. He could have anyone around him for an extended amount of time and act out on them like that if they allow it. That poor girl just happens to be around
Well this is odd
her friend texted my buddy telling him that he will strangle her if she tells him she doesnt want to have sex and shit.
We have a group text going on with me and a couple more friends trying to figure out what we can do. Im fucking disgusted i want to puke.