I'm with Erik. Quitting cigs is one of the toughest things I've ever had to do. My longest streak was 3 months but I broke. I used to smoke two packs a day which was disgusting and I've managed to cut that down permanently but I'm still half a pack to a pack a day and Thats still bad. I think it's harder because cigarettes became a big emotional crutch when my depression was at its worst and I was just going through Shit on the daily, so even though, for the most part, I'm better now it's still difficult. Not that my anxiety and depression are completely gone but they've calmed since I started getting off my ass and doing Shit instead of wallowing in misery but cigarettes are still a major issue for me. Especially when I'm drinking. I can go through a pack in 5 hours when I'm drinking.
A local prog band wants me to guitat tech and merch guy for them. They're only offering like $20 a gig plus a cut of merch sales, but lets see what happens with that.
And a studio here was asking if I was interested in working as a free lance engineer for them. So thats a plus.
Yo @TiradesOfTruth I'm gonna need a review of black Christmas. Please tell me you stage dove off the ladder..
Was a good fucking show for sure. Really was only there for BDM and Municipal Waste, but saw some half decent punk bands as well throughout the night. Then shit got rowdy when Waste took the stage. They brought a ladder for Tony to dive off of a couple times due to the height of the stage and next thing you know mother fuckers start climbing to the top of the and diving off into the crowd. Eventually it made its way into the pit with circle pits galore around it until more diving off the top resulted people just smacking the floor left and right and they promptly took it away lol. As for Waste their set was one hell of a fun time and made the most out of the 30 minute set. BDM crushed as always. Hometown crowd was crazy as always with nonstop stage dives and pitting. Their set was roughly the same as the previous tour they did minus a couple songs they played about an hour. Snagged me that coney dog tee as well. Good show overall.... would attend again.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Keep it up, dude. Don't be a quitter. Newports are THAT SHIT. You deserve a square when you want one
And a studio here was asking if I was interested in working as a free lance engineer for them. So thats a plus.
Wtf was that about? I changed my major around to IT and got out. Living good. Life's good