So the tracklist and writing process is tentatively done for my mixtape. Might end up writin somethin new that replaces a track in the process of finishing it up, but it'll stay at 12 tracks regardless and somethin would get knocked off.
They can speak out all they want but the festival would more than likely drop them instead of caring what a peon band says or believes. Kid Rock is unfortunately the headliner so he carries the weight unless enough bands and fans decide to not go.
Best thing Summarian and Bad Omens could do is to drop off and put out a release as to why and hope others follow suit otherwise no one cares about your feelings
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
So basically, say nothing because what's the point? lol. Obviously a band like Bad Omens are minuscule in size compared to Kid Rock, as well as Sumerian in comparison to Warner Bros. Records, but people need to speak out against stupid bullshit like that. Not even specifically this situation, but generally speaking. It's likely the festival won't care, Kid rock definitely won't, but i think it's good someone said it.
Lol they can Bitch all they want but Kid Rock is going to bring in more people and more money than anyone on Sumerian would. That's not a diss, its fact. I don't really like Kid Rock but that fucker has retained mad head liner status all over the world for some reason.
So basically, say nothing because what's the point? lol. Obviously a band like Bad Omens are minuscule in size compared to Kid Rock, as well as Sumerian in comparison to Warner Bros. Records, but people need to speak out against stupid bullshit like that. Not even specifically this situation, but generally speaking. It's likely the festival won't care, Kid rock definitely won't, but i think it's good someone said it.
Clearly you either did not finish reading what I said or you do not understand what I said.
Let me make it more simple for you. Actions speak louder than words.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Best thing Summarian and Bad Omens could do is to drop off and put out a release as to why and hope others follow suit otherwise no one cares about your feelings
Let me make it more simple for you. Actions speak louder than words.