What bothers me most about a lot of the science based conspiracy theories is that most of them are shit from comic books or sci fi literature/movies that people kinda ran with
Am I sayin I'm converted now and the Earth is flat without a shadow of a doubt? No.
Is it an interesting theory that now has me pondering and considering it as a possibility? Yes.
However one thing that sways me against it is even if NASA has faked this or that, what we can all see by ourselves simply by purchasing a standard telescope is the moon, stars, other planets, etc. and they all appear to be round globes. Why would we be the only exception?
Flat Earther Society actually covers this on their FAQ sheet
Why Would Earth Be The Only Flat Planet?
This betrays a logical fallacy. Karl Popper relates it like this; you may spend your whole life seeing only grey geese. This would lead you to assume there were only grey geese. Of course the next day you might wake up and see a white goose. Earth, in this analogy, is the white goose.
The thing that gets me is their FAQ page has so many holes it's ridiculous. When asked if there is an edge of the earth, they day that they believe the earth is infinite and thay we are all at the center of earth...but then apparently when asked about day/night, they do acknowledge that the sun does follow a circle about the flat earth.
I just remembered BoB said that he was flying at the same altitude at the same time as the guy thay did thay Redbull jump from the edge of space and he didn't see what the feed showed
Erik been hitting the lucy too hard. Govt conspiracy theories have validity pretty often, but shit like flat earth, hollow earth, vedic evolution, etc just aren't scientific.
Am I sayin I'm converted now and the Earth is flat without a shadow of a doubt? No.
Is it an interesting theory that now has me pondering and considering it as a possibility? Yes.
However one thing that sways me against it is even if NASA has faked this or that, what we can all see by ourselves simply by purchasing a standard telescope is the moon, stars, other planets, etc. and they all appear to be round globes. Why would we be the only exception?
Why Would Earth Be The Only Flat Planet?
This betrays a logical fallacy. Karl Popper relates it like this; you may spend your whole life seeing only grey geese. This would lead you to assume there were only grey geese. Of course the next day you might wake up and see a white goose. Earth, in this analogy, is the white goose.
erik gotta be trolling because this is dumber than his macs aren't for dumb people opinion
heard another one... scientists says its possible the universe has long died and extinguished itself and we are living in a computer simulations
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Im a controller snob though