Holy shit the comments on that missing girl video led to someone saying that it's the only thing that's legitimately disturbed him on the internet along wit a recent Mexican cartel murder video, which had a link.
Dude got his face ripped off and his face was literally all skull, got his eyes plucked out, hands cut off, and they were slashing his throat wit a box cutter. He stays ALIVE thru the whole process and at the end is "feeling" at his skull face wit his nubs of hands. That's the most brutal shit I seen since 3 guys 1 hammer. Somehow simply watching it still didn't really disturb me but Goddamn jus the thought that mfs could even go thru wit a process like that is mind boggling. Killing someone by simply puttin a bullet thru their head is one thing, but you have to be pure evil to murder someone in THAT way.
This also led to me discovering that there's a subreddit called /watchpeopledie. Which is self explanatory. Christ the internet is demented lmao.
Holy shit the comments on that missing girl video led to someone saying that it's the only thing that's legitimately disturbed him on the internet along wit a recent Mexican cartel murder video, which had a link.
Dude got his face ripped off and his face was literally all skull, got his eyes plucked out, hands cut off, and they were slashing his throat wit a box cutter. He stays ALIVE thru the whole process and at the end is "feeling" at his skull face wit his nubs of hands. That's the most brutal shit I seen since 3 guys 1 hammer. Somehow simply watching it still didn't really disturb me but Goddamn jus the thought that mfs could even go thru wit a process like that is mind boggling. Killing someone by simply puttin a bullet thru their head is one thing, but you have to be pure evil to murder someone in THAT way.
This also led to me discovering that there's a subreddit called /watchpeopledie. Which is self explanatory. Christ the internet is demented lmao.
I used to watch shit like that on LiveLeak. Its horrible
Idk why y'all or anybody chooses to watch that shit. I seen one gif of a murder on accident, that was enough for me to just stay away from that type of shit. I get curiosity but going out of your way to watch that stuff is fucked up
The old faces of death videos never bothered me back in the day, but the online videos do. I saw the link to the cartel one a few days ago but never watched it.
Holy shit the comments on that missing girl video led to someone saying that it's the only thing that's legitimately disturbed him on the internet along wit a recent Mexican cartel murder video, which had a link.
Dude got his face ripped off and his face was literally all skull, got his eyes plucked out, hands cut off, and they were slashing his throat wit a box cutter. He stays ALIVE thru the whole process and at the end is "feeling" at his skull face wit his nubs of hands. That's the most brutal shit I seen since 3 guys 1 hammer. Somehow simply watching it still didn't really disturb me but Goddamn jus the thought that mfs could even go thru wit a process like that is mind boggling. Killing someone by simply puttin a bullet thru their head is one thing, but you have to be pure evil to murder someone in THAT way.
This also led to me discovering that there's a subreddit called /watchpeopledie. Which is self explanatory. Christ the internet is demented lmao.
Cause cartels and the people that work for them are some of the most ruthless fucked up people on earth. They make everyone look like rookies when it comes to executing people. You fuck with them in anyway and your mom will find you in a barrel in pieces on her front porch.
Lol I was talking to this girl one time that - I'll try try to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she was high as fuck - asked what the big deal was with El Chapo and why they couldn't just let him be. This was after the last escape hoax that had people losing it on twitter. So I broke down how Mexican drug cartels do and how they give zero fucks about killing anybody in any way including women and children. Like how they literally just dropped shit loads of dead bodies on an expressway during rush hour. Or that one time there was a mix up with police and a gang and they took a school bus full of high school kids and just killed them all.
That shits fucked up when it talks about their rich parents covering their shit up and getting the cops that arrested them fired. I have a special distaste for wealthy people because of shit like that. I know royals get away with shit like that all the time
Holy shit the comments on that missing girl video led to someone saying that it's the only thing that's legitimately disturbed him on the internet along wit a recent Mexican cartel murder video, which had a link.
Dude got his face ripped off and his face was literally all skull, got his eyes plucked out, hands cut off, and they were slashing his throat wit a box cutter. He stays ALIVE thru the whole process and at the end is "feeling" at his skull face wit his nubs of hands. That's the most brutal shit I seen since 3 guys 1 hammer. Somehow simply watching it still didn't really disturb me but Goddamn jus the thought that mfs could even go thru wit a process like that is mind boggling. Killing someone by simply puttin a bullet thru their head is one thing, but you have to be pure evil to murder someone in THAT way.
This also led to me discovering that there's a subreddit called /watchpeopledie. Which is self explanatory. Christ the internet is demented lmao.
After seeing the Eugene video 9-10 years ago I have absolutely no desire to see any of that shit and kind of wish it were not posted online. I see no real reason for someone to have access to such things (obviously there are exceptions like someone that would need to research it for some kind of job)
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Holy shit the comments on that missing girl video led to someone saying that it's the only thing that's legitimately disturbed him on the internet along wit a recent Mexican cartel murder video, which had a link.
Dude got his face ripped off and his face was literally all skull, got his eyes plucked out, hands cut off, and they were slashing his throat wit a box cutter. He stays ALIVE thru the whole process and at the end is "feeling" at his skull face wit his nubs of hands. That's the most brutal shit I seen since 3 guys 1 hammer. Somehow simply watching it still didn't really disturb me but Goddamn jus the thought that mfs could even go thru wit a process like that is mind boggling. Killing someone by simply puttin a bullet thru their head is one thing, but you have to be pure evil to murder someone in THAT way.
This also led to me discovering that there's a subreddit called /watchpeopledie. Which is self explanatory. Christ the internet is demented lmao.
Saw that too. Wish i hadnt fuuuuuck
Yeah...when the dude was like "this is the most disturbing thing iv seen online. Im sure you hear that a lot but this is the honest truth" and then went into detail about it i was like nope.jpg
Dude got his face ripped off and his face was literally all skull, got his eyes plucked out, hands cut off, and they were slashing his throat wit a box cutter. He stays ALIVE thru the whole process and at the end is "feeling" at his skull face wit his nubs of hands. That's the most brutal shit I seen since 3 guys 1 hammer. Somehow simply watching it still didn't really disturb me but Goddamn jus the thought that mfs could even go thru wit a process like that is mind boggling. Killing someone by simply puttin a bullet thru their head is one thing, but you have to be pure evil to murder someone in THAT way.
This also led to me discovering that there's a subreddit called /watchpeopledie. Which is self explanatory. Christ the internet is demented lmao.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)