Uncle Grandpa is horrendous. Steven Universe isn't for me. Neither is Regular Show.
The only two I liked on CN were Adventure Time, and Gumball. I dont even like Adult Swim anymore since they cancelled Metalocalypse, and Toonami sucks lately. Though Samurai Jack is coming back soon.
Idk about cartoons with me. i didn't grow up with these new age ones. I honestly don't even remember what ones I was really into other than TMNT. I know with movies that my taste definitely evolved over time. I honestly have a hard time watching 80's movies now. They just don't seem to hold up. There are some that do like scar face but even movies like terminator don't give me the same feeling they used to.
is it that these shows started to suck over time or is it that you have grown and your tastes have changed or matured?
For me, Adventure Time just went down hill when they realized that most people watching were older. I liked when it was just a naturally weird goofy show because that's what the creators wanted to do. But I feel like later on they did some stuff that was just weird and over the top because they knew people liked that stuff so it felt forced and kind of hokey. Regular Show I feel held up through out the years tho.
So it looks like The Weeknd's new album is gonna be a Rock/Punk album. Weirdest turn he could've possibly taken but his new single is very heavily Punk influenced, (Obviously we ain't talkin full blown Punk.) and his entire new merch line is all Punk inspired even down to the font. There's a reason that's his new aesthetic and it's cause the whole album is gonna be like False Alarm.
idk if i'd call Starboy or whatever I heard from False Alarm to be even slightly punk or rock. Got lots of synth tho.
Starboy no. But False Alarm yes. Did you hear the full song? That hook is a straight Punk hook, no way around it. The screaming/yelling, the drums, everything. Pop Punk if you will, but still Punk.
I absolutely hated the song at first but had a second listen on acid last night and fuckin love it now. The vocal layering on the song is fuckin genius. The reason I hated the last record was it was bubblegum Pop bullshit (Can't Feel My Face was a straight up fuckin Bruno Mars song.) and he was playin puppet for the man. Seems now that he did that he's back to doin what he wants now that he's got the mass appeal. It ain't his OG sound I was hopin for but as long as he continues to innovate and go for new sounds then I can't complain. Yes these are still Pop records, but there is NO Pop out on the radio right now that sounds like either of these records. It's fresh and I fuck wit that.
The goat pizza place that I talked about closing down last month came out and said it was all just a rumor on social media and that they weren't closing. Apparently the news just got our earlier than they wanted because they really are closing. Doors close for the last time Sunday. They aren't taking delivery orders or any orders over the phone. People are actually setting up tents to camp out and place an order. After ordering there's a 6+ hour wait time. This shit is fucking nuts.
You're 40+ and damn sure have no clue bout fashion. Fashion hasn't gone Metal and neither did Hip Hop. He's an RnB/Pop artist who's new album has Punk influences.
The only two I liked on CN were Adventure Time, and Gumball. I dont even like Adult Swim anymore since they cancelled Metalocalypse, and Toonami sucks lately. Though Samurai Jack is coming back soon.
is it that these shows started to suck over time or is it that you have grown and your tastes have changed or matured?
I absolutely hated the song at first but had a second listen on acid last night and fuckin love it now. The vocal layering on the song is fuckin genius. The reason I hated the last record was it was bubblegum Pop bullshit (Can't Feel My Face was a straight up fuckin Bruno Mars song.) and he was playin puppet for the man. Seems now that he did that he's back to doin what he wants now that he's got the mass appeal. It ain't his OG sound I was hopin for but as long as he continues to innovate and go for new sounds then I can't complain. Yes these are still Pop records, but there is NO Pop out on the radio right now that sounds like either of these records. It's fresh and I fuck wit that.
>loves hip hip and fashion
>trashes metal and it's clothing styles
>hip hip and fashion go metal