I liked Hardwired more after hearing the vid comparing the guitar tones. The lyrics are shit, but it really shows it is an old school song riff wise even though the tone is different.
What's the deal with the band Shining? I've heard their music before but i never really read into them. This interview i just read with their vocalist is giving me epilepsy.
It was one of the two shows Cartoon Network had on that was good (the other being Gumball), but it def was overrated. Especially once the original creator left, it lost a lot of its charm.
Overrated but a decent show. Last CN show that I enjoyed fully was Chowder. Regular Show and Steven Universe are cool too, but Regular Show is getting cancelled as well. This leaves them with a slate of all remakes. How fucking pathetic. Scooby-Doo remake, Tom & Jerry remake, Powerpuff Girls remake, and then horseshit like Clarence and Uncle Grandpa. Steven Universe is the last hope.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)