My friend has a suspended license so he's been riding his bike to work. Some guy waved him through the intersection, he went to return a thank you wave, jacked the wheel and flipped over the bars ) said he got pretty fucked up though do I grabbed my mom's truck to pick him up after his shift.
I've read episode summaries for the show and I get the feeling the book is better. But at the moment I feel like neither are worth your time. The book starts out stellar and takes is to the setting of "It" a few years after it happened. Then it stalls and turns into a love story...for five hundred pages. Everything in the middle that was building up to his confrontation with Oswald just led to an awkward and clunky final 50-60 pages that made you realize how much time you just wasted.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)