I pretty much only use Facebook messenger, don't even scroll Facebook these days. But still, 6 of the 7 people that liked my first status in months so far are from boards. Should probably kms
Got my two year badge today. I know it's not much compared to some of the 6 and 7 year peeps, but I still can't believe its already been two years. Time flies when you're being told to ky man lol
Usually when a forum has just about reached death, it's just a handful of dedicated people from the early days. Kudos to you and beef torpedo fr9k sticking it out to the bitter end lol. You guys came from the later mayhem boards right?
Usually when a forum has just about reached death, it's just a handful of dedicated people from the early days. Kudos to you and beef torpedo fr9k sticking it out to the bitter end lol. You guys came from the later mayhem boards right?
Yeah we did. I was on those forums for like 4 years until they randomly nuked them lol
Yeah I remember Beef Torpedo from back then. I joined the mayhem forums in 2010, joined this forum that's year, then posted here actively in 2011 since
that liked my first status in months so far are from boards. Should probably kms
Deceased at Brobba Fett.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Kys Virginia