I stayed in a place in Ft Worth where the late night window was entirely blacked out. I knocked on it and some dude in a cowboy hat walked up behind me and told me to follow him in. Inside was decked put like your typical Indian owned motel but it looked like it yet robbed. The dude gave me a key and told me the door was unlocked already. Fucking thing wasn't unlocked, it was straight open. For the hell of it I try the key and it isn't even the right key to the door. Then there's this massive red spot by the window that he kept swearing up and down was Kool aid and tries to reassure me by saying that CNN had a news crew staying there. No fucking way they did lol. it also happened to be the day GTA came out.
Forgot to mention. Totally ran into Thomas Munos this weekend at one of the wrestling events I went to. Dude was part of the ring crew, he's looking a lot better and was pretty nice. Totally fucking out of nowhere but yeah.
So I was hanging with a doper buddy at his cribz n great whites once bitten twice shy came on n I realized that song is the biggest cock blocking song ever about cock blocking
He's a fhagz!
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Adding into what already sounds like a pretty not great overall day, seems like you in a pretty not dope mental place
White Denim are awesome so hopefully the negative vibes don't impact it too much
im doing pretty good tbh. the repetitive shit at work just had me down but white denim were great. a show and a couple beers helped my case of the mondays.
It's funny you say that, or as Gazorpazorpfield says.
Glad you enjoyed the set. They're a band that even if you aren't a huge fan of the music, they put on a good show jamming off of the main track. Their name deterred me at first when I saw their name on the ticket opening for Tame. One of the few times and opener made me go "okay, yeah I gotta look them up."
Bassist looked like chubby mclovin didn't he? Haha
He's a fhagz!
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
fucking normie haven and who should spot me but one of my coworkers. fucking goddamnit.
White Denim are awesome so hopefully the negative vibes don't impact it too much
Glad you enjoyed the set. They're a band that even if you aren't a huge fan of the music, they put on a good show jamming off of the main track. Their name deterred me at first when I saw their name on the ticket opening for Tame. One of the few times and opener made me go "okay, yeah I gotta look them up."
Bassist looked like chubby mclovin didn't he? Haha