Guess I'm meetin George in a couple weeks. :-? Said he's visiting Chicago at the beginning of April and is gonna drive up to my crib and smoke loud lol.
Guess I'm meetin George in a couple weeks. :-? Said he's visiting Chicago at the beginning of April and is gonna drive up to my crib and smoke loud lol.
Fuck speaking of that, I'm pretty sure my boss and his wife are getting a divorce. He just asked me to sink some voice memos from his iPhone to his computer. Iv know for a while they weren't really getting along. luckily she makes good money, but I'm really hoping he doesn't get fucked over.
I know probably nobody but Jake will understand, but I really want this. Like even maybe just the small one to put in my closet so I can see it every day. Bojack as a character just strikes a chord so deep within me personally. Mental unbalance and depression in general have never been portrayed in such an accurate in animated comedy. I've cried watching Bojack because I have felt the exact feels he has
Yeah still kill yourself alex
What more do you want? Lol