Why are we so stubborn as men? Scale acts up at work. When it does this there is usually a variety of things to check first. I did that and none of them worked so I started fucking around with everything before I was absolutely certain that the problem was beyond something we could fix and we'd probably have to put in a work order.
In steps one of the old guys. "What's the problem?" So I tell him, and I tell him everything I did and that I'm certain the dumb bitch is broken. Naturally he spends the next 20 minutes doing everything I just did before coming to the same conclusion.
In steps my dude James. I let him know that the back scale isn't working. "Did you turn it off?" OF course I did. So then James has to spend a good 15 minutes doing all the same shit I did that Dan also did before he could just to come to the same conclusion.
Started thawing out this steak around 11 with the idea of eating it for dinner. Well around it wasn't fully thawed out until around 8. I work out with my dad at 11 so I figured eating at 9 would be pushing it too close. Looks like I'm going to come home, drink a couple beers and grill a steak at 1 am.
The guy who was behind The Fappening is getting jail time.
I hope Gawker gets it worse after their trial with Hulk Hogan. Fucking hypocritical assholes getting all butthurt about female nudes being shared via The Fappening, yet taking it upon themselves to leak Hogan's sex tape and refusing to remove it. I want nothing more than to see Gawker (and all their sister sites - especially Jezabel and Kotaku) burn to the ground.
Jesus christ, has anyone watched this shit? Its like a fucking snuff film. Super long but just watch a few minutes The DA eats him alive
I know probably nobody but Jake will understand, but I really want this. Like even maybe just the small one to put in my closet so I can see it every day. Bojack as a character just strikes a chord so deep within me personally. Mental unbalance and depression in general have never been portrayed in such an accurate in animated comedy. I've cried watching Bojack because I have felt the exact feels he has
In steps one of the old guys. "What's the problem?" So I tell him, and I tell him everything I did and that I'm certain the dumb bitch is broken. Naturally he spends the next 20 minutes doing everything I just did before coming to the same conclusion.
In steps my dude James. I let him know that the back scale isn't working. "Did you turn it off?" OF course I did. So then James has to spend a good 15 minutes doing all the same shit I did that Dan also did before he could just to come to the same conclusion.
Kill yourself