I think so. Idk I'm pretty sure if she said it wasn't her most people would have believed her because it was only one picture and only her mouth was in it.
Anybody with a better understanding of the law than me want to give a shot at explaining this? Sister had all the charges dropped on a 4th ammendment violation. My interpretation of that is an unlawful search. Yet the guy in the car with her still has his charges against him and he's looking at going to prison. He has almost 200 grams of molly on him and was charged withe trafficking so I don't know if that could possibly have factor in that...but I feel like if it was a 4th amendment violation then everything to do with searching her car would be thrown out.
200 grams of molly is probably gonna put him away for a long time. The penalty here for 1000+ E pills is 15-18 years. Then they usually hit you with some other bullshit charges like maintaining a vehicle/dwelling, paraphernalia, etc. That dudes fucked unless he snitches.
The degree in which he is fucked isn't the question, that's pretty clear. What I'm asking is, if they're saying the search was illegal, shouldn't have happened and everybody else in the car had their charges dropped...why are his sticking. Possible priors?
Never met the dude in my life and he's the jackass that had that much molly plus prescription drugs and a fucking scale with him so it's not like I feel all that bad for him, I'm just genuinely curious
Through the little searching I've tried to do, I've found stories of people that have had charges of human trafficking dropped because of an unlawful search. So I don't know that that can be an assumed reason.
The degree in which he is fucked isn't the question, that's pretty clear. What I'm asking is, if they're saying the search was illegal, shouldn't have happened and everybody else in the car had their charges dropped...why are his sticking. Possible priors?
I know. But to get the evidence thrown out, he's gonna need an attorney. A good one, too. Most public defenders are shit. They just wanna arrange plea bargains.