I remember when people wanted one over 5 years ago. Who the fuck cares at this point? Plus they need better emoji reactions or at least let the ones on your phone translate identically to fb. And as an added bonus, didn't Zuckerberg sell fb years ago? Like he cares wtf you want on fb anymore lmao
People don't just stop wanting a dislike button. They may have admitted defeat and accepted that we would never get one but if Facebook announced just a dislike button, you know every last one of those people that are still users would be happy. It's not like they'd go "nah it's too late"
They may have admitted defeat and accepted that we would never get one
Bet you were one of those people around 09/10 when everybody made the great leap. Even when it was become a fan, people wanted the opposite. And you were/are known for being negative so it only makes sense
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Blow your head off.
Facebook buttons should be the least of MC's problems.