They are tripping somewhere else. I put a cracked screen wallpaper on flashdrive, flipped it and made two versions to put on a flash drive and then put one on both of our tv's haha
That picture is from his room. Pics from mine are the dark as shit ones.
Once they started calling it was a point where I could commit, answer the phone and freak out. But that would obliterate any chance of coming back into a great trip even after I told them I was joking so I just didn't answer. Then I found this wallpaper based off the exact same one I used.
Asked him why he sent a picture of his face "I don't know man I was freaking out and I thought you might not take me serious so I thought about dogs and I though I could communicate to you my sincere worry with my facial expression"
what a bitch. Now don't get me wrong I don't give a fuck about Facebook, but I never took anything off his Facebook.
his bitch ass cried to me everyday after he got arrested for that shit because they took his license and his mom was driving him to work and shit. He cried about how shitty his life was at the time.
I mi didn't even post his mug shot for a long ass time and took it down before anyone even saw it the first time because he texted me crying the instant I posted it.
also didn't even post about him going to jail until he was already off probation and I only did it because he was coming at me with some shit and I knew if I threw heat he would get irate.
Once they started calling it was a point where I could commit, answer the phone and freak out. But that would obliterate any chance of coming back into a great trip even after I told them I was joking so I just didn't answer. Then I found this wallpaper based off the exact same one I used.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
this is after jays famous trip down south lmao
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
he he pulled an Erik and blocked me
what a bitch. Now don't get me wrong I don't give a fuck about Facebook, but I never took anything off his Facebook.
his bitch ass cried to me everyday after he got arrested for that shit because they took his license and his mom was driving him to work and shit. He cried about how shitty his life was at the time.
I mi didn't even post his mug shot for a long ass time and took it down before anyone even saw it the first time because he texted me crying the instant I posted it.
also didn't even post about him going to jail until he was already off probation and I only did it because he was coming at me with some shit and I knew if I threw heat he would get irate.
Anxmd he got irate
This ones for ammo