Holy shit Cult of Luna blew they had no riffs I fucking fell asleep for a bit front row and center on rail zzz wtf at least SubRosa and Minsk killed it
Believe me I wante to like their set but I just couldn't get into it. I'm not super familiar with their music an maybe it's just their new shit that sucks but whatever they were playing last night was really boring it was just a bunch of meandering it wasn't until like an hour into their set that I think I heard a riff. They had two drummers so thought they'd be doing cool kylesa shit but they never did. one would be laying down the beat and the other just doin little fills or playing auxiliary percussion like tambourine or some shit. The keyboard stuff they were doing was lame too there was wubs. And for having three guitarist their sound wasn't fat and the guitar solos dude was playing didn't sound good idk man I was looking forward to seeing them since I know they're a highly acclaimed post metal band but whatever they did last night literally put me to sleep. SubRosa fucking stole the show.
Their new stuff is pretty terrible.. I've barely listened to it. But there old stuff is killer. I was hesitant on seeing them lately because of pretty much why you just said. Still, if I was high as balls, which I would be, I'm sure it wouldnt be horrible lol
So I got this friend. Depressed, hates himself, the usual. Goes to a music festival and spends four days doing enough drugs to kill a llama. We're talking whatever acid he took on top of what he was dosed, shrooms, molly, and some K at the same time. Wake up to a 12 page message. Talking about how he did iy. He fixed himself. He went to deep P dark places during this trip, he experienced ego death. Nobody might believe him but he finally found happiness in life.
I wasn't going to to be an asshole and tell him wait until he hasn't been tripping face for 72 hours straight and goes back to work before he makes that delcaration.
five days. Five days and he was talking about hating himself. I go "what happened man you were on top of the world a week ago?" Very sarcastically replies "it was the drugs, you and I both know it. It was always the drugs. I was still flying high when I came back for a couple days but it's gone"
P dark places during this trip, he experienced ego death. Nobody might believe him but he finally found happiness in life.
I wasn't going to to be an asshole and tell him wait until he hasn't been tripping face for 72 hours straight and goes back to work before he makes that delcaration.
five days. Five days and he was talking about hating himself. I go "what happened man you were on top of the world a week ago?" Very sarcastically replies "it was the drugs, you and I both know it. It was always the drugs. I was still flying high when I came back for a couple days but it's gone"
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Then she goes "well I had to get rid of something" and I look at her thinking clearly morning after pr something and she goes "Not a baby, chlamydia"
Tthe fuck just happened.