Yeah, everything is gonna change. But at least most of my friends already have kids. My cousin just had hers so at least he or she will have someone to grow up with. I'm scared but excited? I've never pictured me as a mom but I'm gonna be one. He's already talking to my stomach and kissing it lol
Well you do already have two lol. If it's a girl she's gonna be Ravyn Harleen and if it's a boy who knows. I just know his middle name would be Angelo after my grandfather
Well you do already have two lol. If it's a girl she's gonna be Ravyn Harleen and if it's a boy who knows. I just know his middle name would be Angelo after my grandfather
well good luck darlinnn. if you have any questions about anything at all, i'm pretty experienced. lol. pregnancy is pretty enjoyable for a few weeks, but the rest sucks, haha
"I'm just waiting until towards the second trimester her sex drive will skyrocket and I'll be getting laid constantly"
Yeah that never came. From the time they found out until awhile after he popped out he didn't get shit. Best part was he was so optimistic the whole time like any day she was going to walk I and rip his clothes off haha
That's better than the Cowboys or the Browns lol. I just hope the few times I drank and the smoking I did while I didn't know won't affect anything. I'm really beating myself up over it
"I'm just waiting until towards the second trimester her sex drive will skyrocket and I'll be getting laid constantly"
Yeah that never came. From the time they found out until awhile after he popped out he didn't get shit. Best part was he was so optimistic the whole time like any day she was going to walk I and rip his clothes off haha
haha both times i was pregnant i had 0 sex drive. for some women it skyrockets but most of us don't really wanna be touched. poor men lol
My boobs are slightly bigger and so far my sex drive is pretty normal. Who knows how that's gonna go haha. I've been wanting lots of steak dinners though. When we all went to the WVU game on Saturday we had steak at Longhorn. But it really wasn't that great sadly. The mashed potatoes and horseradish sauce helped it out though
but in all seriousness congratulations CDawn!
Im excited for you!!
edit: or monica again
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
"I'm just waiting until towards the second trimester her sex drive will skyrocket and I'll be getting laid constantly"
Yeah that never came. From the time they found out until awhile after he popped out he didn't get shit. Best part was he was so optimistic the whole time like any day she was going to walk I and rip his clothes off haha
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)