At the dentist for the first time in 12+ year. Fuck pretty nervous.
I went to the dentist for the first time in like 6 years last august. The dentist said "You really havent been to the dentist in 6 years? You're teeth are crazy clean for that". I just said "Yeah, I dont smoke, and actually brush my teeth 3 tames daily, and floss daily. I dont just lie that I do that "
Yeah, i still have all 4 molars. It actually was a really good experience. He said i only had 2 cavities and that they weren't bad so were going to wait until i get the molars pulled. I do have one bad tooth that needs to be pulled but he said it wasn't a big deal and that my teeth are in pretty good shape for ti being that long since i had been there.
today would have cost me over 400 bucks. If you don't have a job that provides insurance then you most likely cant afford it.