I'll wait till she hangs out with you, then slide out. And back in. And out. And in. And out again. It might be the only way you see her "o" face. Your gonna feel pretty gross by the time I stop.
Hey if drinking piss was good enough for gg allin it's good enough for me
Once you get over the like "wtf I'm drinking piss" sensation...well its still pretty nasty. But I really wanted to pick up a Deluxe Version of Dethalbum III on release day and I had no job and no money so I did what I had to...and it was worth it \m/ \m/ Dethalbum III kicks ass.
Go ahead. I'll put my ghostly dick in her mouth, meaning I own her through my acts of dominance. Once she is my ghost dick puppet, I will force her to spit my seed at you.
Seems like it would be awesome. Granted ghosts do exist. I dont really believe in ghosts, but the idea always fascinated me. I always loved reading cryptid stories in elementary school, and ghost investigation books, and really enjoyed shows like Ghost Adventures. I find it all so interesting, even if I dont believe they truly exist.
Hey if drinking piss was good enough for gg allin it's good enough for me
Once you get over the like "wtf I'm drinking piss" sensation...well its still pretty nasty. But I really wanted to pick up a Deluxe Version of Dethalbum III on release day and I had no job and no money so I did what I had to...and it was worth it \m/ \m/ Dethalbum III kicks ass.
I don't understand a word of this lol what? Gg allin is not in dethklok
Hey if drinking piss was good enough for gg allin it's good enough for me
Once you get over the like "wtf I'm drinking piss" sensation...well its still pretty nasty. But I really wanted to pick up a Deluxe Version of Dethalbum III on release day and I had no job and no money so I did what I had to...and it was worth it \m/ \m/ Dethalbum III kicks ass.
I don't understand a word of this lol what? Gg allin is not in dethklok
Hes saying he wanted a Dethklok album so bad he didnt buy food and ended up drinking his piss
You'll never find me.
I'll get ya with my specter deflecter.
I'd love for ghosts to be real though.