Any time taco bell comes up with something, we're for test market. We had doritos tacos for about two months before the came out. Then the quesorito and now the quesolupa or whatever the hell name they have it
Extreme belief in scientific fact, yeah, I see the harm in that. Imagine, everyone believing in testable truths, using the scientific method as their logical compass. Very dangerous thought there.
everyone should read the qur'an and get back to me
I have. As well as the Old and New testement, and the book of Mormon. All are pretty equally fucked up. I'd put the Qur'an on the same level as The Book of Mormon, simply because they are both extremely far out there and have countless logical contradictions. I'd also throw the bible in that category too, however a lot of the logical contradictions can be explained away. The thing that non of them can explain though, is how from a 10 mile view of the story none of it makes any sense. It's funny because when you dig into the stories you start trying to make logical sense of it, and so looking closely you are like "yeah this makes sense". But then when you step back, get some perspective on how real life actually works, then the only proper conclusion is "This is complete rubbish and a total farce"
Dubai prob isnt bad... but anywhere else, fuck that
Really? What do you base this off of? The Middle East isn't all sand and war 24/7.
I'd love to go to Israel, Turkey, Qatar, Egypt. It would be total culture shock, but I'd love to experience it myself. Some of the most historic and interesting sites on earth.
Nah fuck that those places suck turkey prolly smells like one giant asshole
Allah actually means God. So obviously God is God )
technically yes, however practically no because the two cultures define the deity differently (kinda). Really it all goes back to name origins. There is some small debate on the proper translations of the Old Testament from the Aramaictranslation. The Arabic translations of the Old Testament translated the Aramaic as Allah, where the Hebrew versions translated it as Yahweh. From what I understand though, Allah was actually the proper translation and Yahweh was a sacred name for Jews only. I think Allah means "The God" where Yahweh means "The Lord". Both of these names are very sacred names for the respective religions and just dumbing it down to an english name of God is blasphemous.
In general it is important to note that Christianity considers "God" to be a single entity that could take three separate forms (like water, gas, and ice) that are represented by God the father (Yahweh or Allah), Jesus the son (human form of God to die for our sins), and the holy ghost. Muslims and jews both reject this view of the deity. jews say Jesus was just a false prophet, where Muslims actually do believe the New Testament, however they don't believe Jesus was a god but rather just a profit for the one true god (aka Allah). You might have heard of Muhammad being of importace to Muslims, and that is because he was a profit of God like Jesus, that is basically the founder of Islam because Allah reviled to him the contents written in the Qur'an. Muhammed = joseph smith (author of Book of Mormon)
That's low, even for you.
get paid to go play golf fuck yeah :!!
Got this interview at a dog kennel at 1 today. Working with dogs all day would be badass.
turkey prolly smells like one giant asshole
In general it is important to note that Christianity considers "God" to be a single entity that could take three separate forms (like water, gas, and ice) that are represented by God the father (Yahweh or Allah), Jesus the son (human form of God to die for our sins), and the holy ghost. Muslims and jews both reject this view of the deity. jews say Jesus was just a false prophet, where Muslims actually do believe the New Testament, however they don't believe Jesus was a god but rather just a profit for the one true god (aka Allah). You might have heard of Muhammad being of importace to Muslims, and that is because he was a profit of God like Jesus, that is basically the founder of Islam because Allah reviled to him the contents written in the Qur'an. Muhammed = joseph smith (author of Book of Mormon)
TLDR - They are all fucked up
Nice bewbs