Put a lot of work into my room, it's looking great. Got this thing in the mail expecting to fit it behind my bed...yeah not even close. Takes up a solid 70% of my ceiling. Fucking love it, the animations reflect they lyrics starting from the center and working out. Run rabbit run, on the run, you missed the starting gun, time warm my bones beside the fire....
speaking of work my assistant manager said once someone got called to a different store they were going to make me full time and he was talking about the managers program with me \m/ 401k, health benefits, erry thing \m/
"work 1-7 ugh"
fuck she works at a movie theatre
speaking of work my assistant manager said once someone got called to a different store they were going to make me full time and he was talking about the managers program with me \m/ 401k, health benefits, erry thing \m/