Is this the start of MC starting to actually live a little? I hope so. So many good things in swearing and drinking, as long as you know your limits n shit
I do it. Whatever doe. I don't see the good in limiting your vocabulary to a bunch of words that are usually derogatory. Does cussing have good things? No they are words that can hurt. But fuck it.
i actually swear a bit pretty much around everybody except like in professional settings like in class or when around customers. or like near my grandparents. But i'm just very casual with my vernacular like I just say shit. but if I'm with friends it's way more casual then with fam.
Wasnt huge on the beer. The wine was fine. Tasted like juice. Barely tasted the alc.
Not really that funny, honestly. Like, I don't find it "offensive" at all, couldn't care less, it's just kinda meh.