I never pay full price. You can always talk em' down a little. They do 50% off on 4/20 but that's the most expensive piece in the shop so I don't know if the discount would apply. I'd prolly take it for like 700-750.
I've spent well over a grand on glass. I dont have nearly as much as I used to doe. I used to own seven pieces (plus two broken ones) at once when I was selling but I got rid of most of em'.
idk, if they were practically unbreakable and I had a lot of money extra lying around, Id be down to shell out 600 or so. but I get mad paranoid when 3+ people are over and theres glass of mine around. plus dat occsional smoking paranoia. probably another reason I love pens so much - you have to pretty much deliberately try to break them.
ever since my buddy sat on his pipe a few years ago, we've made a tabletop rule for all things mary jane.
Ive never broken a flower piece cuz I always get huge flower pieces with thick glass. I've broken a rig and my current rig has a small crack. That's only because rigs are smaller with thinner glass. I broke both of em' by trying to take off a domeless nail. That ATHF piece is 10mm thick and really bottom heavy so it wouldn't be much of a risk for me considering all of my apartment is carpet besides the kitchen and bathroom. Gotta get a rig first doe.
Fucking hell I can't believe you turkeys get so wrapped up in your precious expensive bongs and smoking devices Just smoke a fucking joint already and STFU
As someone who never wanted to ever drink anything ever, one drink is a lot. One drink opens the way for more. I never wanted to start swearing either, and now I swear nonstop. Same thing can apply to drinking, and I dont want that to happen.
I didnt even ask for it. I gave in to peer pressure. It was placed in my hand, and I felt obligated. I even tried to pass it over to my mom, and she just told me to drink it.
fuck edge faggots. I swear they get off thinking they are better than people. No one is better than anyone.
Only because the majority of people dont strive to. I dont wanna be edge because I feel I am better than anyone else, but because I want to be better than the norm. I wanted to strive above all the sex, and substance use that most people obsess over. And Im failing to surpress peer pressure, and ignore/destroy my emotions. It sucks.
Is this the start of MC starting to actually live a little? I hope so. So many good things in swearing and drinking, as long as you know your limits n shit
next big purchase mmj-wise for me will probably be a scientific bubbler.
ever since my buddy sat on his pipe a few years ago, we've made a tabletop rule for all things mary jane.
Just smoke a fucking joint already and STFU
I didnt even ask for it. I gave in to peer pressure. It was placed in my hand, and I felt obligated. I even tried to pass it over to my mom, and she just told me to drink it.
Only because the majority of people dont strive to. I dont wanna be edge because I feel I am better than anyone else, but because I want to be better than the norm. I wanted to strive above all the sex, and substance use that most people obsess over. And Im failing to surpress peer pressure, and ignore/destroy my emotions. It sucks.