I never said I did. But in reality no one knows what the fuck happenes to subatomic particles. Did you see me trying to explain them? Iv listened to quite a few scientist sit down and explain their theroies. Doesnt mean I know shit.i'm just talking about information iv read/watched. No one outside of an elite scientist can sit there and explain them. Does that mean they should be ignored in conversation?
Wine has has been seriously riding dat shaft I'm getting worn out.
I'm just messing with you. It's just that you said "it's the only way to explain it" when it doesn't really explain anything on its own. I'm not riding anything, it's just when people say stupid things, I'll point it out.
Also, if you want to think about this stuff more, this video explains it pretty well.
Sure Todd and Rex always start shit but it's boring and usually begins and ends with a kill yourself. At least George changed it up and messaged his mom.
Got to work an hour late. The highway was shut down, police looking for some burglary suspects who fired at the cops from their car before crashing and running off into the woods. One guy is in custody, the other is still on the loose.
They are white guys though, so they will probably be taken alive.
Also, if you want to think about this stuff more, this video explains it pretty well.
>gets irate for him saying nigger
>calls him cracker ass
shouldn't have interrupted a white man.
They are white guys though, so they will probably be taken alive.