the baker at my work is on some other shit. He's a cool dude but he follows any and all conspiracy theories. First it was just starting with like shit about food companies and the government. Some of that is whatever. But today he was going on about how like, people aren't allowed to fly over the north or south pole because at this locations there's a hole that leads to the center of the earth and there there's a civilization and a sun and people live there and there's mammoths there and that's why you can only see half of Antarctica on google maps or some shit. Then some shit about people entering the 4th dimension and then trying to enter the 5th dimension. I didn't wanna be an asshole, but was just like "I need to see these articles if I'm gonna buy that" then he pulls up pictures of headlines on instagram and some sketch ass sites on his phone. V hard not to just be like :-|
We'll yeah there are dimensions but the 4th dimensions is time so I don't see how somebody enters that. Like time travel? Hollow earth I don't buy at all that's almost as uneducated as flat earth.
I never said I did. But in reality no one knows what the fuck happenes to subatomic particles. Did you see me trying to explain them? Iv listened to quite a few scientist sit down and explain their theroies. Doesnt mean I know shit.i'm just talking about information iv read/watched. No one outside of an elite scientist can sit there and explain them. Does that mean they should be ignored in conversation?
Wine has has been seriously riding dat shaft I'm getting worn out.
never said i was a physical specimen. Just simply stating that wake had no shot cause i won't gas in the first 30 seconds
Its really the only way to explain how subatomic particles vanish out of thin air and then reappear.
The sources for some of the conspiracy stuff
Wine has has been seriously riding dat shaft I'm getting worn out.