"Men's Rights Activists "actually seem to want sexual equality,"
This was an actual quote from that article. Jesus Christ.
read the whole quote.
I read it, it's not like I skimmed 3/4ths of that article and just highlighted a random portion of it without any kind of context. The dude also complains about radical feminists wearing shirts that say "I bathe in male tears" in the same paragraph. Ok? Those shirts are fucking stupid, so what? The guy is still defending MRA's. In fact, he says they're actually not straight-forward enough with their message which is just ridiculous.
This article is full of fail. He's cherry picking different view points that aren't even mainstream. Then he goes on to whine about how awful it is that girls aren't fully comfortable when weird guys go for a kiss at the wrong time.
I identify with these kind of people. I'm the kind of guy that would be accused of rape because a girl would be embarrassed to have had done that kind of thing with me. And I am also done with the awkward, confusing, and unfair bullshit of dating.
So are my friends. Only difference is they want to have relationship-less sex, and I want to escape it entirely. Like the article describes.
But, like with every other argument on this forum, I guess we'll just have to leave it here. We aren't going to accomplish anything as you can't see things from my perspective, and I can't see things from yours.
Here you are again being an asshole about things instead of dialoguing with someone who has a different point of view.
This is gonna sound pretty arrogant, but simply having an opinion doesn't automatically give that opinion any value. That article you posted was hot garbage, and doesn't deserve a real discussion. It's all of bunch of whining and biased emotional pleas that take actual facts (marriage rates are on the decline) and bastardize them (due to women being prudes and sleeping around).
Edit: I've mentioned before how I've had these very same opinions due to the fact that I was awkward and frustrated with myself, so please don't tell me that I can't see it from your perspective. Ridiculous.
Nigga I went 2 hard during the Cowboy game so none of that shit for me. The gf is studying tonight so I'm by myself staying up as late as possible cause I wanna sleep in as long as I can.
Here you are again being an asshole about things instead of dialoguing with someone who has a different point of view.
This is gonna sound pretty arrogant, but simply having an opinion doesn't automatically give that opinion any value. That article you posted was hot garbage, and doesn't deserve a real discussion. It's all of bunch of whining and biased emotional pleas that take actual facts (marriage rates are on the decline) and bastardize them (due to women being prudes and sleeping around).
Edit: I've mentioned before how I've had these very same opinions due to the fact that I was awkward and frustrated with myself, so please don't tell me that I can't see it from your perspective. Ridiculous.
Only that wasnt the point of the article. The point was that men are deciding to disconnect from society, and give up on dating/relationships and not have kids or marry, because we dont want to be considered rapists when dating gets awkward, and because we're genuinly sick of dating life. The feminism was brought up because of how negatively men are portayed in dating by modern feminists.
Here is somebody who feels this way (me). Here is an article by someone else who feels the same way. He states he will be interviewing others who feel similarly for the second part.
There are real implications to what he is saying. Look at Japan. You have an entire culture of young people that would rather date a computer waifu in a dating simulator or buy anime printed body pillows, than go on a date. That is going to happen here.
Son I am disappoint.
This was an actual quote from that article. Jesus Christ.
This article is full of fail. He's cherry picking different view points that aren't even mainstream. Then he goes on to whine about how awful it is that girls aren't fully comfortable when weird guys go for a kiss at the wrong time.
drunk :-?
So are my friends. Only difference is they want to have relationship-less sex, and I want to escape it entirely. Like the article describes.
But, like with every other argument on this forum, I guess we'll just have to leave it here. We aren't going to accomplish anything as you can't see things from my perspective, and I can't see things from yours.
Edit: I've mentioned before how I've had these very same opinions due to the fact that I was awkward and frustrated with myself, so please don't tell me that I can't see it from your perspective. Ridiculous.
Here is somebody who feels this way (me). Here is an article by someone else who feels the same way. He states he will be interviewing others who feel similarly for the second part.