Some of Vice's news articles and videos are ok. But their community is such shit. Everyone on there is obsessed with themselves, and obsessed with just doing what they want to do when they want to it, with no regard to laws, morals, or other people in society. They're selfish.
I think Tumblr is my least favorite community though. Fuck each and every one of those stupid as "justice" warriors. I've honestly become anti-feminist because of those twats.
Some of Vice's news articles and videos are ok. But their community is such shit. Everyone on there is obsessed with themselves, and obsessed with just doing what they want to do when they want to it, with no regard to laws, morals, or other people in society. They're selfish.
Well that's kind of the point of a team of people who work for a organization called "Vice". They don't give a shit. That's why their video reports are cool. But their articles just come off as pretentious.
I think Tumblr is my least favorite community though. Fuck each and every one of those stupid as "justice" warriors. I've honestly become anti-feminist because of those twats.
Look, im sorry. But Im a white male. Advocating for mandatory castration is dildos. Fuck them. I support treating everyone equally based on who they are as people. Not reverse sexism, man hating, and self victimization.
You do realize there are trolls and straight up retarded people posting on tumblr like everyone else? The ones being sexist towards males aren't really feminists are they.
Besides, there's porn on tumblr. You wouldn't like it
Pseudo elitist liberalism is the exact same shit as fix news on the opposite end of the spectrum.. Like everything in life the most logical reasonable answer is in the middle
Look, im sorry. But Im a white male. Advocating for mandatory castration is dildos. Fuck them. I support treating everyone equally based on who they are as people. Not reverse sexism, man hating, and self victimization.
Actual feminism is just wanting women to be treated equally as men. Extremist feminism or whatever you might call it that advocate the things you're talking about aren't actual feminists. There's this woman, her show is called the factual feminist. She's a feminist in the truest form and actually shits on a lot of stupid shit you might see on tumblr because she goes off of facts and statistics and such. Here's one of her videos.
People who want to turn the world into a matriarchy or people who advocate for mandatory castrations is dumb. But actual feminism isn't that
Yea, because I'm an opinionated and educated young adult, relatively in tune with the world around me, and have taken history, ethics, and philosophy classes. Hop off cock.
I can deal with feminism. The same way I can deal with anyone else who has a viable opinion and strong belief about something they believe in. What I can't stand is when people take their beliefs and opinions and embellish them to a point where they are bloated and confuse facts and logic, then start spreading this "all men are evil" propaganda. The same way I can't tolerate the LGBT community, Religion, or just about anything else when they take a belief or idea and ram it down your throat all the while calling you an ignorant bigot if you don't believe what they believe. My teacher for one of my classes is a one of those feminists that believes that if you have a cock, you're the spawn of the Devil. She passed out suggestions for recommended reading about a book that justifies that all men should be suspected of rape solely based on the fact that they have a penis. That warps the idea of feminism, which she spent the opening 15 minutes talking about. I love a woman to be strong and independent, and of course everyone should be treated equally. But there's a point when you're being passionate and opinionated about something, and then there's a point where you turn everyone away and leave them unable to hear what you preach because of ignorance and propaganda.
Pseudo elitist liberalism is the exact same shit as fix news on the opposite end of the spectrum.. Like everything in life the most logical reasonable answer is in the middle
a lot of people I know are very very liberal. a lot are also very very conservative. nearly every one of (the outspoken ones of) them on both sides worship either fox or msnbc
Im pretty goddamn liberal but I never ever watch msnbc. whats the point of sitting there agreeing with people and simply hearing what you want to hear?
I try not to watch the news, but rather the daily show and colbert. yes, I know they are also both very liberal, and I take everything they say (namely stewart) with a grain of salt. I agree with a ton of what they say, but there have been a number of times where Im sitting there like "buncha butthurt going down"
i mean those people are shitty, I see that. but the vast majority of the community which isn't that shouldn't fall under fire because that small group of dumbasses. And from what I've read most aren't literal about it.
i mean those people are shitty, I see that. but the vast majority of the community which isn't that shouldn't fall under fire because that small group of dumbasses. And from what I've read most aren't literal about it.
I agree. For the most part I don't have an issue with the group as a whole. Its mainly the trans side I have most issue with. Partially because, I quite honestly don't understand it. But mainly because I've only come in contact with a couple trans people and they have all been very anti straight white cis gendered people. Makes it a little hard to support your cause when you're hating on me all the time.
Besides, there's porn on tumblr. You wouldn't like it
People who want to turn the world into a matriarchy or people who advocate for mandatory castrations is dumb. But actual feminism isn't that
Im pretty goddamn liberal but I never ever watch msnbc. whats the point of sitting there agreeing with people and simply hearing what you want to hear?
I try not to watch the news, but rather the daily show and colbert. yes, I know they are also both very liberal, and I take everything they say (namely stewart) with a grain of salt. I agree with a ton of what they say, but there have been a number of times where Im sitting there like "buncha butthurt going down"