So what do you feel about yourself MC? They probably look down on you. You realize were dots on earth which doesn't even register as a dot in the universe. Going to school for music means you'll probably be part of the 99.9% of people whose life won't mean a damn thing in the grand scheme of things. Live your life the way you want to, there's nothing wrong with enjoying casual sex. Don't get me wrong, I'm having an insanely difficult time following my own advice thanks to a healthy dose of depression with some depersonalizarion/derealization for fucking fun.
From the earliest dawn of man, your ancestors had to fight through wars, droughts, floods, famines, plagues, ice ages, saber toothed tigers, grizzly bears. They had to survive everything mother nature could throw at them for thousands and thousands of years, all while having sex to ensure the species survived. Empires came and went. Civilizations rose, fell, and were forgotten.
After all those years of struggle.... is you. A never nude trapped in perpetual boyhood, afraid of rejection, too fucking awkward to do the one thing our species is biologically programmed to do...
There is nothing wrong with casual sex but my biggest problem with younger females most of them are such fucking followers.. They have no real identity and just try and fit in as much as humanly possible in order to maximize their personal "stock" as I like to call it.. Culture, individualism are thrown out in order to get their stock higher.. IMO it goes hand in hand with little self respect and I can't respect some one who doesn't have respect for themselves.. And this spills over into guys because guys will do anything to get some do now guys are dressing like gay lumberjacks and listening to garbage music etc and it's all nauseating ..on tinder all these bitches are all exactly the fucking same and no one calls them on it cuz their hot.. Including me lol
The church
Satan should post that quote he had on FBI earlier today about the church.
The church
Satan should post that quote he had on FBI earlier today about the church.
I dont think very highly of myself. But Id feel even worse if I drank and fucked. Who probably looks down on me?
From the earliest dawn of man, your ancestors had to fight through wars, droughts, floods, famines, plagues, ice ages, saber toothed tigers, grizzly bears. They had to survive everything mother nature could throw at them for thousands and thousands of years, all while having sex to ensure the species survived. Empires came and went. Civilizations rose, fell, and were forgotten.
After all those years of struggle.... is you. A never nude trapped in perpetual boyhood, afraid of rejection, too fucking awkward to do the one thing our species is biologically programmed to do...
Aka mentally fucked.
That makes that other 5% Clank.
Check this site out.
And bring your own phone charger if you come over
There is nothing wrong with casual sex but my biggest problem with younger females most of them are such fucking followers.. They have no real identity and just try and fit in as much as humanly possible in order to maximize their personal "stock" as I like to call it.. Culture, individualism are thrown out in order to get their stock higher.. IMO it goes hand in hand with little self respect and I can't respect some one who doesn't have respect for themselves.. And this spills over into guys because guys will do anything to get some do now guys are dressing like gay lumberjacks and listening to garbage music etc and it's all nauseating ..on tinder all these bitches are all exactly the fucking same and no one calls them on it cuz their hot.. Including me lol
Yeah they def are all the same
:-| :-|
Tinder is awesome. I never would have met my current girlfriend without it.
kind of want to go catch some fish for dinner