No porn, have to check in girls and give ID for visitation, and pay a "fornication fee" if caught doing the nasty. Bunch of college kids stuck in one place with no release )
For real though like that kind of shit doesn't benefit anybody. Just gonna make a bunch of sexually frustrated people and shit that ain't right. fuck god.
>16 new posts
>just Rex talking to himself
was drunk 0
not an excuse
Well isn't that the pot calling the kettle African amurican?
That's the joke intelligent one
some kid threw a no hit complete game shut out in seven. Was an honor calling it.
you got niggas and i got bitches
I'd quit
Off top that'd be fucking lame. 4g bill would be up the ass.
No porn, have to check in girls and give ID for visitation, and pay a "fornication fee" if caught doing the nasty. Bunch of college kids stuck in one place with no release
sounds like a campus shooting waiting to happen
cops got that taken care of
For real though like that kind of shit doesn't benefit anybody. Just gonna make a bunch of sexually frustrated people and shit that ain't right. fuck god.
I mean...I guess they could just dl porn and watch it that way. People are kinda spoiled with free porn sites. Still a stupid decision
dead @ fornication fee. charging people money for having sex with residents makes it a brothel. great job.