I think there needs to be some clarification, he was bustin my balls. He only said it to me on Skype last night. Should have said "toward" or something, not "to".
Reason being im in China town with four girls today. Im the only guy. Thus his comments.
ever hear a sound that seems to open up a previously forgotten cave in your mind?
Some friend
He's what I might call my best friend.
Only time I can remember people saying such things was when they were trying to make themselves look cool and funny in front of bitchez
It's some fuck shit
Reason being im in China town with four girls today. Im the only guy. Thus his comments.
Four girls
Son I am proud
Selfie of you and five girls......or else we put you in the same category as Greg and his fictitious band or FF and his drumming abilities
proof of life or gtfo
So...no longer an aspiring pig?
You have seen the light.
So my friend informed me today that she used to date the drummer if aal .. Mind was blown lol
I actually took a video today. Posting it at some point this week.