I don't know if it is because I have been away from this site for a while and its changed new people have joined or I was just on here too much and too blind to see it but good god this place is ridiculous. I can't stand to read half of the posts anymore.
Oo and I see typing still lags. Awesome work @tim!
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Never been a lag....
layout looks different too. Still lagging though
lag must be what happens when poverty phones mix with poverty mobil sites
Lack of sleep causes me to be very opinionated
Bono was never a good song writer and Nola likes dicks in and around his mouth
I barely remember what happened at the last pints of the semester last night.
Fuck...can't believe I helped egg a house last night...
So that site is awesome! It airs 90s nickelodeon shows complete with 90s commercials. Also has a running live chat on the side.
I don't know if it is because I have been away from this site for a while and its changed new people have joined or I was just on here too much and too blind to see it but good god this place is ridiculous. I can't stand to read half of the posts anymore.
Oo and I see typing still lags. Awesome work @tim!
To me it seems like if my wife wasn't talking to me thatd be a good thing
I hate it when my girl won't talk to me. No pussy =
even the poverty smileys don't work
its : - L
sometimes tho quiet > pussy lol
If I could have my dick in a nice vagina at all times... I would.
Cant attach photos on mobile...
Since agreeing to go to SD for the summer Deafheaven, Agalloch, and QOTSA have all announced local shows that I won't be able to go to. Might kmfs