so I just got really high and discovered why everyone hates each other lately. ....
So since the nfl is in it's offseason all out hate has no where to go and has spilled over every thread.... Even expanding to gentle Forrest creatures like MC
so my owner hired two chicks that are related to her best friend...every time I try and get them to do something they always have something to say about it...usually with an attitude... And then they accuse me of having an assistant manager even told me he was shocked I didn't go off on this chick last night cause when I would tell to do something or correct her she would just argue with me about it her name is Leona...her sisters name is angel
Well last night when I told Leona to leave she said " I think you're just worried about my sister taking your job, and if that's the case you should be worried"
Up until that point I had no concern..I work hard as fuck and have earned what I have at that place I had no reason to be intimidated by a to e who walks through the doors
Well now I'm kinda buggin cause I texted the owner if me and her could have a meeting because of some things I was concerned about...and she never texted me back...either times I texted her about concerns I have about what's been going on
Normally I wouldn't care but she put the wrong name on my check and she texted me back about it right away.
I kinda upset about it because that's supposed to be my job...if I have issues like this with employees I'm supposed to report it to her. I just feel like I'm being forced out because of these two worthless chicks that can barely do anything...just because the owner knows them...fuck I hope the owner is there today we need to talk I shouldn't have to feel like this about a place I have busted my ass for for 2 years
Finna to...I'm just not gonna teach them shit at night since they don't wanna learn anyways....that way because they don't know how to do anything I can just send them home first
How's probation faggot
not on it yet so go play in fucking traffic
fucking end your god damn life faggot
I'd still take playing in traffic over being on probation :-??
you really know how to piss someone off i'll steal your fucking jaw
They'll just extend your probation doe
jake opening up this fucking pit tonight I see
nfl thread everywhere
so I just got really high and discovered why everyone hates each other lately. ....
So since the nfl is in it's offseason all out hate has no where to go and has spilled over every thread.... Even expanding to gentle Forrest creatures like MC
Suck my dick faggot
Rex, you need to start drinking some harder stuff. Like bleach.
so my owner hired two chicks that are related to her best friend...every time I try and get them to do something they always have something to say about it...usually with an attitude... And then they accuse me of having an assistant manager even told me he was shocked I didn't go off on this chick last night cause when I would tell to do something or correct her she would just argue with me about it her name is Leona...her sisters name is angel
Well last night when I told Leona to leave she said " I think you're just worried about my sister taking your job, and if that's the case you should be worried"
Up until that point I had no concern..I work hard as fuck and have earned what I have at that place I had no reason to be intimidated by a to e who walks through the doors
Well now I'm kinda buggin cause I texted the owner if me and her could have a meeting because of some things I was concerned about...and she never texted me back...either times I texted her about concerns I have about what's been going on
Normally I wouldn't care but she put the wrong name on my check and she texted me back about it right away.
I kinda upset about it because that's supposed to be my job...if I have issues like this with employees I'm supposed to report it to her. I just feel like I'm being forced out because of these two worthless chicks that can barely do anything...just because the owner knows them...fuck I hope the owner is there today we need to talk I shouldn't have to feel like this about a place I have busted my ass for for 2 years
Finna to...I'm just not gonna teach them shit at night since they don't wanna learn anyways....that way because they don't know how to do anything I can just send them home first