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Rex420 said: Gma isnt gonna make it....were supposed to have another meeting in 48 hours to decide what to do....fuck she's only 64 man :-<
Gma isnt gonna make it....were supposed to have another meeting in 48 hours to decide what to do....fuck she's only 64 man :-<
damn... really sorry bro. hmu if you wanna talk.
monicaa said: Black guys were fun for a while. They're fun and great in bed. But when it comes to relationships they're awful. Whateverrr. Where the white boys at
Black guys were fun for a while. They're fun and great in bed. But when it comes to relationships they're awful. Whateverrr. Where the white boys at
This forum is the wrong place to look.
Sorry man
Ayo Monica come visit Rhode Island this summer haha :>
They were fuckin broad daylight right outside some restaurant. Around a dozen + seen it and some video taped it. That rules. This is the definition of 0fucks. Big ups to both of them.
monicaa said: Rex >:D<
Rex >:D<
Someone went back and flagged me talking shit inglorious bustards back in January ) ) )
Ff to 1 minute ) ) )
i got one for saying meh about the killswitch tour )
Jake_Trollhunter said: :wavesmiley:
i know..
jake is New_Kyle
And you're new_abbadon.
jake strokes the salami to 1D :-?
I was doing that long before Kyle
hot dog, what a deal
in fact i just got a nut
damn... really sorry bro. hmu if you wanna talk.
This forum is the wrong place to look.
Sorry man
Ayo Monica come visit Rhode Island this summer haha :>
They were fuckin broad daylight right outside some restaurant. Around a dozen + seen it and some video taped it. That rules. This is the definition of 0fucks. Big ups to both of them.
Someone went back and flagged me talking shit inglorious bustards back in January
Ff to 1 minute
i got one for saying meh about the killswitch tour
i know..
jake is New_Kyle
And you're new_abbadon.
jake strokes the salami to 1D :-?
I was doing that long before Kyle
hot dog, what a deal
in fact i just got a nut