Title Fight The Menzingers Man Overboard Bane Fireworks Hawthorne Heights Citizen Transit The Flatliners Cruel Hand Self Defense Family Dads Pentimento Young Statues Candy Hearts Knuckle Puck Direct Hit Old Gray Dr. Manhattan Tiny Moving Parts Forever Came Calling Captain We're Sinking The Saddest Landscape Empire! Empire! Gates Better Off Frameworks Seaway Daisyhead Maps For Travelers Grey Gordon Front Porch Step Endeavors Gift Giver Secret Grief Signals Hung Up Small Parks Alaska The Most Dangerous Animal Braided Veins 1876 The Fever Haze Wolves and Machines Undesirable People Sosaveme Decades Ground Tracer ANA Deer Widow Little American Champ Dryvel Lawnmower Noth Without A Fight Lawnchair Crisis Parkway and Columbia The Cardboard Swords Summerpunx Three Cents Short Lost Track Get Stoked It's A Secret We Take Tonight The Birdmen Youth Novel Out Of Hand Northerner Paper Brigade The Cerebellum
lawnmower. youth novel. 1876. dr manhattan.
DADS. dads is the name of a fucking band. they named their fucking band dads.
Title Fight The Menzingers Bane Fireworks Citizen Transit The Flatliners Cruel Hand Dads Pentimento Young Statues Knuckle Puck Forever Came Calling Better Off Frameworks Gift Giver Signals Decades Lawnchair Crisis Get Stoked Youth Novel Out Of Hand
Those bands are dope.
Dads, Title Fight, Cruel Hand, Forever Came Calling and Pentimento rule.
Caught a buzz at work and I decided that when it's time to leave Dunkin, I shall do so by telling a drive thru customer to kill their self thru the box.
Dads, Title Fight, Cruel Hand, Forever Came Calling and Pentimento rule.
Sure, most of those names are retarded, but they make cool music. (some of them, anyways)
Can't make yourself undrunk
Just had to serve 2 cops and one was givin me funny looks
And not so wasted I'll be hungover \m/