So according to the baker I work wit, the payroll goes by the 1st 15 minutes of each hour. He claims he gets an extra 5 hours every week by simply staying 15 minutes after he's supposed to clock out. Gets paid for 5 hours by working only an hour and 15 minutes extra. Meaning if I extend my 7 hour 10-5 shift til 5:15, that should presumably make every day an 8 hour work day by only working 7 hours 15 minutes. I been doing this for 3 days now, if this shit shows up as full hours on my next paycheck then Im'ma be abusing the fuck out of their dumbass payroll. ) I'd get paid for 8 hours when I only worked 2 collective extra hours.
It would make sense, the Arab that comes in in the morning is always rushing me to clock out as soon as 5 hits. So I always save one thing that I "forgot" and do it right at 5 so it gives me enough time to stall and stay clocked in without getting bitched at.
More of a joke more than anything it was a funny story when it was first published that a goat was at a wormrot show now that its dead it was more of a joke RIP since its a fucking goat.... also uirate
I do more then go to work and get high.....I just get high before I do it.....and when's the last time I seriously preached about revolution =;;;;;;;;;;
I need to learn the art of hooking up over the web. Because I think I just gave this not attractive jawn I was seeking out for quick pleasure the complete wrong idea lol.
Like don't get me wrong, I know I'm not a dime. But I recently got out of a relationship with my best friend, I don't exactly wanna play the long term dating game right now.
Like don't get me wrong, I know I'm not a dime. But I recently got out of a relationship with my best friend, I don't exactly wanna play the long term dating game right now.
Grindcore fan that happened to be a goat passes away
> drone attack kills innocent civilians
> huh?
Forum logic
> fuck the government! Revolution!
> does nothing but go to work and get high
But yeah most just said it to get a reaction
Yo but fuck that goat