I fucking hate my brother. Kids a straight dbag. So fucking full of himself, always shitting on people saying they are going no where in live because either they didnt go to college or just are dumb and drink and shit. There was this nlack chick on price is right who ended up missing out on free grocieres and he said good thing she has food stamps. Told him to stfu. Needs to be knocked down about 60 pegs. Of course the faggot wants to be a fucking pig.
He thinks im going no where because i blaze probably. Have fun being hated by the rest of the population because there are already enough people that know you that think the same shit. Even my parents agree with me. And he told me straight to my face hes the good one. Like stfu faggot.
Its fucking terrible dude thinks hes amazing at everything. He said he didnt count community college as a college unless they go somewheere else after.community COLLEGE. Fucking faggot.
Everyone always says how cool their siblings are and im just sitting her saying ya my brother is a gigantic faggot. Dude literally was giving me shit like i was low life scum after i got arrested i told him to go fuck himself. Havent given a god damn since. I even tried adding this bitch on facebook and he fuckig DENIED me. Please. Learn to live and have some damn fun you stuck up bitch.
He thinks im going no where because i blaze probably. Have fun being hated by the rest of the population because there are already enough people that know you that think the same shit. Even my parents agree with me. And he told me straight to my face hes the good one. Like stfu faggot.
Steal his jaw.