Fuck this. Fuck this class. If I don't pass the rest of my classes this semester, I'm completely and utterly fucked. No more radio, no more school, no job, no money. And I'll have to move to nowhereville, CA. Just fucked.
My friend told me he saw pictures of girl with tattoos of babies on their abdomens, and the babies were like matched up with where their pussies are, and the babies are made to look like they grabbing the bitches skin and crying in pain.
I'm afraid to say that I find this somewhat arousing.
I thinking about selling my guitar. I need money really bad and I've barely played it in the 7 years I've had it. It's an Ernie Ball Music Man Axis. Not sure how much to sell it for. I found a picture of it (since I'm not home) online. Mine isn't in a case like this but it's the same guitar. I've been researching how much they go for. Nearly $1000, if not more. :O
Damn the thing looks sweet.... I recently traded mine for an iPod. Definitely got the better end of that deal
I think I'm going to get it priced first before I sell it, so I don't rip anyone off and I don't get ripped off. My uncle payed for it, so I'd be making pure profit. I remember him saying it was nearly $2000. I thought he was just joking. But apparently not. Hah. I'm not using it and no one in my house is using it, so I might as well sell it.
I thinking about selling my guitar. I need money really bad and I've barely played it in the 7 years I've had it. It's an Ernie Ball Music Man Axis. Not sure how much to sell it for. I found a picture of it (since I'm not home) online. Mine isn't in a case like this but it's the same guitar. I've been researching how much they go for. Nearly $1000, if not more. :O
I'm afraid to say that I find this somewhat arousing.
I'm done finally with this Monday-to-Friday rendering
im trying to sell my guitar amp and case for months