i take back what i said about that movie. the acting keeps going from good to bad, back to good. but i aint ever seen a jawn get raped by a ghost before except in Scary Movie 2.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
LOL, just found this video of the Danzig/Doyle show in Tampa. Danzig sees a kid video taping this in the crowd, and tells other members of the crowd to punch him.
Eh, 0. People who film at concerts are fucking cocksuckers anyway.
At Iron Maiden last year I asked this guy nicely to put his phone down because my gf and I couldnt see and he said no. So i grabbed him by his collar and told him to put it down or I'd break it.
Eh, 0. People who film at concerts are fucking cocksuckers anyway.
At Iron Maiden last year I asked this guy nicely to put his phone down because my gf and I couldnt see and he said no. So i grabbed him by his collar and told him to put it down or I'd break it.
> go to show > you must enjoy it my way > can't see because guy in front > don't move > cry about it > expect others to accomidate me > get told fuck off
> in assigned seats at a packed concert > guy ruining my concert experience to film a shitty low resolution clip he'll never watch again > guy puts it down after I tell him I'll break it
Also implying you even concert anymore. You should get on that. I hear ticketmaster has great senior discounts.
Would it be accurate to say that singing is like a physical instrument in the sense that practicing other artists styles and songs makes your own style come naturally, even without theory knowledge? What I mean is, as an example, when I played drums, I didn't know theory, but practicing songs by my favorite Drummers in turn helped me develop my own style, and although it wasn't taught to me, shit started coming natural to me when just freestyling. Where I would add fills, how I would string rhythms together, etc.
Now I'm noticing the exact same thing wit singing. I have no idea what I'm singing as far as notes, scales, etc., but just singing other artists so much has in turn made better melodies naturally come into my own music. I wouldn't say that my musical knowledge has improved, 'cause just like before, I have no knowledge on theory. But at the same time, I guess just from singing so much other shit, it's just a natural progression that can't really be taught. Now I find myself freestyle crooning over XO, JMSN, JT songs when there's instrumental breaks, and I actually come up wit dope shit. Same thing wit my own music, besides the main vocal melodies obviously being much better, where and when to add trills, runs, and riffs is becoming a natural reaction, rather than thinking about it. It's a dope ass feeling. I literally freestyle sang for 4 minutes straight over a beat last night and there were a bunch of dope pieces that I took apart and formed into dope cohesive melodies. Makes writing feel so much more natural.
Birdemic :x
has a 1.8
movie went from 2/10 to 9/10
At Iron Maiden last year I asked this guy nicely to put his phone down because my gf and I couldnt see and he said no. So i grabbed him by his collar and told him to put it down or I'd break it.
> go to show
> you must enjoy it my way
> can't see because guy in front
> don't move
> cry about it
> expect others to accomidate me
> get told fuck off
I'm ok with this.
> guy ruining my concert experience to film a shitty low resolution clip he'll never watch again
> guy puts it down after I tell him I'll break it
Also implying you even concert anymore. You should get on that. I hear ticketmaster has great senior discounts.
Might want to get your bifocals checked as well.
> finally found a show worth going to
> its harvest weekend
> fuck
Now I'm noticing the exact same thing wit singing. I have no idea what I'm singing as far as notes, scales, etc., but just singing other artists so much has in turn made better melodies naturally come into my own music. I wouldn't say that my musical knowledge has improved, 'cause just like before, I have no knowledge on theory. But at the same time, I guess just from singing so much other shit, it's just a natural progression that can't really be taught. Now I find myself freestyle crooning over XO, JMSN, JT songs when there's instrumental breaks, and I actually come up wit dope shit. Same thing wit my own music, besides the main vocal melodies obviously being much better, where and when to add trills, runs, and riffs is becoming a natural reaction, rather than thinking about it. It's a dope ass feeling. I literally freestyle sang for 4 minutes straight over a beat last night and there were a bunch of dope pieces that I took apart and formed into dope cohesive melodies. Makes writing feel so much more natural.