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  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I love Deicide's music and everything but Glen Benton is such a fucking asshole



    El Paso…first a maniac wielding a box-cutter cuts 3 fans at our concert—one ear-to-ear (thankfully all the victims are going to recover), then we learned that Glen Benton is kicking us off the No Salvation Tour. It was a helluva night. Since we started this tour, we’ve had to endure Glen Benton’s constant bitching and ultimatums. He was always trying to snip our balls and demanded that we couldn’t use our fog machines and on some nights, we couldn’t use our backdrops or other production elements because he had issues with all of it. With respect to the headliner, we abided. Moreover, in efforts of friendship, good tour vibes, and because we’re simply cool fucking guys, we let Glen Benton and his band use OUR BACKLINE because they didn’t want to bring all their gear on tour!

    Specifically, we let the headliner use our cabinets and Glen Benton used our entire bass rig—head and cabinet—since his own bass head failed him early on. While we were generous with our backline, not once did Benton thank us, offer us a dime, or even lift a finger to help move anything—and he fucked up our bass head numerous times with his resetting the EQ, etc., despite us politlely asking him NOT to mess with the bass tone we dialed in. Gee, with all the money and free gear Benton brags about to us daily, you’d think he’d do something about getting his own rig.

    Things got ugly in El Paso when, after we learned Benton had lost our bass rig cables and once again fucked with our bass head, so, we put our foot down and told him he couldn’t use the head anymore. Note: we still allowed Benton to use our cabinets for their show.

    That said, Benton threw an EPIC hissy-fit and immediately kicked us off the tour! He booted BROKEN HOPE from the tour simply because we refused to let him use our bass head! What bullshit. Now, even though that lame reason is what Benton used to get rid of us, I believe there’s more to the story here. During this entire tour Benton has given BH and our crew nothing but a shitty attitude and has tried to sabotage our production every day for no good reason. Though Benton blocked us from using our fog machines, he couldn’t stop us from using our professional soundman, nor stop us from giving concertgoers an amazing and high-powered show. The fact remains—as all our show attendees have seen—we fucking handed Glen Benton his ass every night of the tour and he couldn’t keep up. Benton and his caravan of mini-van drivers couldn’t touch our live show—even on our worst night.

    Benton sent Shaun Glass a text last night, threatening to break his jaw if Shaun badmouthed Benton. Well, I’m calling Benton out right now because his bullshit is old, fake, and he ain’t scaring anyone. Glen Benton is a lazy, jealous, jaded, ungrateful, unprofessional, egomaniacal bully. He menaces everyone from bands and fans, to promoters and booking agents. How he maintains a career is beyond me. And this time, he fucked with the wrong band. Karma is a bitch, Benton.

    On behalf of BROKEN HOPE, I’m sorry to the fans who won’t see our performances in Dallas and Austin. You all know it’s not our fault…we’d give you all a free show if we could. Thank you all for the support, for coming to our shows, for all the love you’ve given our OMEN of DISEASE album, and for understanding the bullshit and temper tantrums we’ve had to put up with on this tour. -- JEREMY WAGNER
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    Was about to post that, Glen has always been a huge bitch.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,715 spicy boy
    Fuck Glen
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Isn't he short? Must be little man Danzig syndrome..
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,032 master of ceremonies
    The majority of metal vocalists have little man syndrome.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,715 spicy boy
    I wonder how Benton will respond to being called out
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,669 spicy boy
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I love seeing stories like that about fucking Metal bands. =))

    Unless you're Metallica, Iron Maiden, etc. Don't think you're, or act like a, fucking superstar. You're a Death Metal band playing clubs. 8-|
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,715 spicy boy
    Or in general don't act like a fucking superstar, even if you are. Other people would LOVE to be where you are, show some humility. Stay down to earth.
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,032 master of ceremonies
    Yeah but like I said most metal vocalists have little man syndrome so they like to think they're huge rockstars. Robb Flynn comes to mind.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    They're all still not as obnoxious as fucking Phil Labonte
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    I love winning with women
    Metalsucks posted the new ATR song making fun of it and I listened to it....dear god its fucking awful
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
    I love that though. And I never call them on it because I wanna ride that wave as long as I can. Women love feeling virtuous. If you let em, you get it in because then they don't think you're judging. Bitchez hate being judged
    I hooked up with this chick at a party one time and she was fucking loving it but afterwards she got all self conscious and kept saying "I dont normally do things like this" I kept thinking does it really matter at this point?
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,032 master of ceremonies
    NolaMetal said:

    It's so funny on dating websites when chicks put " if your looking to hook up don't waste your time I'm not that type of girl"
    One week later there sending me texts saying how they want me to come over fuck them hard lmao
    Girls are so full of shit, they all want the d but they just care sooo much what other people think of them that they have to play it off like they don't

    it's dat ryan gosling face
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