I can guarantee my opinion is valued far more than yours as far as this forum is concerned. 'Cause mine comes from someone who actually has more than half of a brain cell.
I don't see how that matters. I know what worked on me and I know what's worked wit other kids within the family. And I've seen what kids who have soft ass parents turn out like. I don't need my own kid(s) to realize that and give my input.
I have no reason to hit/spank/abuse my kids..Maybe if they gave me a reason to for instance take my car without permission and crash it or something like that but kids don't give me a reason..then again my daughter does have a mouth that in some houses she would get the shit knocked out of her but I notice when I take her to her room and talk to her I get the results I am looking for without beating on her.You wanna hit your kids..go ahead..hit them they are yours..who am I to tell you not to beat your precious children
I can guarantee my opinion is valued far more than yours as far as this forum is concerned. 'Cause mine comes from someone who actually has more than half of a brain cell.
sure stoner..I'm sure your decisions are far better than mine
It's pretty much like this..whatever works in your house..different strokes for different folks..but people who whack the shit out of their kid in public like Satan stated makes you think..wow..wtf goes on when no one is looking and that is sad..very sad..breaks my heart because they are too small and too scared to do anything..the person that gave them life and is supposed to care for them hurts them because the wrote on a calendar or wanted an ice cream and if you think that is ok then maybe you need to drink some of your famous bleach and grow up and get a clue.
I can guarantee my opinion is valued far more than yours as far as this forum is concerned. 'Cause mine comes from someone who actually has more than half of a brain cell.
sure stoner..I'm sure your decisions are far better than mine
How fucking stupid are you? I haven't smoked in over 2 months.
There aren't any credible studies that show spanking or any kind of hitting keep more kids away from deviant behavior than other forms of punishment.
Yall are putting way too much emphasis on personal experiences and not looking at the big picture here.
Did spanking help your individual upbringing? Sure, I wouldn't doubt it, but the research that has been done shows no correlation between physical punishment and a lower chance of devient behavior. I care more for statistical facts than I do about a few personal experiences.
anyway, i'm pro-spanking. if your kids know you'll spank, you'll never have to.
But I ain't ever having a (planned) kid.
How fucking stupid are you? I haven't smoked in over 2 months.
So you've never tried to get a job?
Yall are putting way too much emphasis on personal experiences and not looking at the big picture here.
Did spanking help your individual upbringing? Sure, I wouldn't doubt it, but the research that has been done shows no correlation between physical punishment and a lower chance of devient behavior. I care more for statistical facts than I do about a few personal experiences.