I have every right to get annoyed when someone so well liked and adored as Steve Harvey goes on record to say that "men only have female friends cause they wanna get with them" and he doesn't get any major backlash from that? Nigga please.
He's damn right doe. Sorry you're a simp and practically a female, but the only reason I, or pretty much anyone wit a dick that I know, is "friends" wit any bitch, is 'cause he's tryna get the labia. I ain't tryna be friendzoned just because.
Erik is to gender relation knowledge as Gary is to football knowledge.
Your opinion on this matter is based on only what you've expierenced and how your friends act? Damn fine research there son.
it's not even that. he doesn't have friends. he's kinda open about being a loner
whats odd to me is how he acts when you know how much of a mama's boy he is. remember last year when he was all feeling guilty for not spending new years (or something like that) with his mom? i love my mom, but we haven't spent a new years together since i was prolly 12
Yes, because my Mom is the only one I care about more than myself. One of the extremely few I care about at all. Don't see what's odd about that.
I have every right to get annoyed when someone so well liked and adored as Steve Harvey goes on record to say that "men only have female friends cause they wanna get with them" and he doesn't get any major backlash from that? Nigga please.
He's damn right doe. Sorry you're a simp and practically a female, but the only reason I, or pretty much anyone wit a dick that I know, is "friends" wit any bitch, is 'cause he's tryna get the labia. I ain't tryna be friendzoned just because.
Erik is to gender relation knowledge as Gary is to football knowledge.
Your opinion on this matter is based on only what you've expierenced and how your friends act? Damn fine research there son.
it's not even that. he doesn't have friends. he's kinda open about being a loner
whats odd to me is how he acts when you know how much of a mama's boy he is. remember last year when he was all feeling guilty for not spending new years (or something like that) with his mom? i love my mom, but we haven't spent a new years together since i was prolly 12
I have every right to get annoyed when someone so well liked and adored as Steve Harvey goes on record to say that "men only have female friends cause they wanna get with them" and he doesn't get any major backlash from that? Nigga please.
He's damn right doe. Sorry you're a simp and practically a female, but the only reason I, or pretty much anyone wit a dick that I know, is "friends" wit any bitch, is 'cause he's tryna get the labia. I ain't tryna be friendzoned just because.
Erik is to gender relation knowledge as Gary is to football knowledge.
Your opinion on this matter is based on only what you've expierenced and how your friends act? Damn fine research there son.
it's not even that. he doesn't have friends. he's kinda open about being a loner
whats odd to me is how he acts when you know how much of a mama's boy he is. remember last year when he was all feeling guilty for not spending new years (or something like that) with his mom? i love my mom, but we haven't spent a new years together since i was prolly 12
Yes, because my Mom is the only one I care about more than myself. One of the extremely few I care about at all. Don't see what's odd about that.
not a thing...until you continuously disparage other women and men treating women with courtesy and respect. I can't remember you saying anything nice about a female aside from the occasional "bitch have me extra fries" or "bitch was excited about my muscles". Most of the time it's simp-this, white knight-that. I actually agree with you that most of the time women are conniving cunts that bleed niggaz dry, but you take it to a cartoonish level. And not to be a dick, but you clearly have a very limited track record for relationships and it bleeds through your posts. You kinda have the attitude that relationships with women have to be really black and white and it's just not that easy. The Travis thing immediately comes to mind. It's an easy reaction to just wanna kick the bitch out and erase her from the memory banks, but when kids are involved it changes the entire game. I don't really agree with him either, but I can understand his dilemma. I think your lack of understanding with the difficulties of a long-term relationship really came out in your posts on that situation and you expected a very simplistic outcome...and it's just not that easy. Same goes for a lot of other shit. It comes off as juvenile a lot when you spout off and it seems really dishonest when you clearly love your mom the way you do. I don't expect a high level of consideration from people here, but there are times when it seems like you're being willfully dense. It's fun to laugh about simps from time to time, but when it turns into the fascist-style "you can only act one way with women" shit you come with on the regular here, I just tune it out and I think a lot of other people do, too
Only thing I'll say on all that is that my Mom ain't THESE bitches. My Mom deserves all the respect in the world and I'd die for her. THESE bitches deserve none. It's simple really, I don't see why that's so hard for you to grasp.
Only thing I'll say on all that is that my Mom ain't THESE bitches. My Mom deserves all the respect in the world and I'd die for her. THESE bitches deserve none. It's simple really, I don't see why that's so hard for you to grasp.
Chapter 1 of my audio engineering book is like the "scared straight" program for music people. Im never participating in loud things without protection again.
Speaking of which, I've gotten like three emails from the promoter of the My Bloody Valentime show imgoin to today that's pretty much "THESE GUYS PLAY FUCKING LOUD WEAR FUCKING EAR PLUGS".
Only thing I'll say on all that is that my Mom ain't THESE bitches. My Mom deserves all the respect in the world and I'd die for her. THESE bitches deserve none. It's simple really, I don't see why that's so hard for you to grasp.
It all comes back to the time he looked in her phone.
Definitely dude, when I saw Whirr they were loud as fuck. And while Boris arent shoegaze, they take a lot of influence from shoegaze bands and when they played their cover of mbv's Sometimes that was the loudest shit I have ever experienced. I know to expect loud. I always wear ear protection anyhow, so its a no brainer for me.
Yes, because my Mom is the only one I care about more than myself. One of the extremely few I care about at all. Don't see what's odd about that.
shoegazer shit is always incredibly loud for some reason. dead meadow was one of the loudest shows i've ever seen. my ears rang for a week
It all comes back to the time he looked in her phone.
Experimental feature test...