Once again troll job was your faggots idea, i didnt want to do it amd i told you no one would give a fuck. And wha fucking la no one did. Blow me shit was failed from the beginning if you fags were smart you would have waited.
"time for me to come out of retirement" "train rookies" etc....
If your good at shit, other people will take notice without you blowing your own horn for an ego boost. Notice Jaycup isn't running around saying "disregard your plebian society, I'm a rocket scientist bitch!
It seems like the air here is prone to cause massive swelling of ones ego.
"I can do ______ better than anyone else out of a collection of 15 random people on the internet. I'm the GOAT!"
so that explains the mass amount of spambot undeclared citizens inhabiting our board as we speak. youre a real john mccain protecting our borders aintcha
Once again troll job was your faggots idea, i didnt want to do it amd i told you no one would give a fuck. And wha fucking la no one did. Blow me shit was failed from the beginning if you fags were smart you would have waited.
And *you're
B-) \:D/ B-)
If your good at shit, other people will take notice without you blowing your own horn for an ego boost. Notice Jaycup isn't running around saying "disregard your plebian society, I'm a rocket scientist bitch!
It seems like the air here is prone to cause massive swelling of ones ego.
"I can do ______ better than anyone else out of a collection of 15 random people on the internet. I'm the GOAT!"
so that explains the mass amount of spambot undeclared citizens inhabiting our board as we speak. youre a real john mccain protecting our borders aintcha