@TheCLIT don't make any rash decisions. Put that money away and take your time to think about how you really want to spend it. Take your time to think about what you want to do with yourself. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and take it easy man. I know it's hard and you'll still be grieving. We're hear to listen and help if we can
What has become of my life? The day that Todd corrects me on a spelling/grammatical error is the day that my world has suddenly been turned upside down I may as well just go buy some hookers and become catz and sit in a trailer all day smoking weed (
Next day, awesome. I've just been closed in way to long and I'm finally opening up. Didn't think I'd lead it on to this place but yeah, whatevs. I don't know what all I said and I really don't wanna go back and read lol
Hang in there Chuckie. All I can say is to live a happy life, even of other people may not think it is the most successful one. Maybe take a few management classes and start your own family biz. Short of that, of you don't really know what you want to do yet, take some time and volunteer somewhere helping other people who need it. Food banks, animal shelters and Habitat for Humanity can always use help. If you want to do some traveling abroad, there are a ton of volunteer programs out there. One I know of is Water For People, and they educate people in third world countries about clean water sources and not drinking from the same streams that their cattle drink from and shit in (infant mortality rates are about 50% just from not having clean water available. Something like that may be quite helpful if you want time to clear your head and to know that though the loss of your sister and nephew, that thousands of lives might be saved. 100's of kids will be given chances that were robbed from your family. Sometimes the best way to help yourself is to help other people.
Next day, awesome. I've just been closed in way to long and I'm finally opening up. Didn't think I'd lead it on to this place but yeah, whatevs. I don't know what all I said and I really don't wanna go back and read lol
The day that Todd corrects me on a spelling/grammatical error is the day that my world has suddenly been turned upside down
I may as well just go buy some hookers and become catz and sit in a trailer all day smoking weed
@jag any good shit coming up? :-?
I usually just don't go back and read it