Insurance. My sister had some policy, I don't know. She just had this strangely close relationship with her insurance lady. And I don't believe in god or an afterlife, and that's just one if the handful of things that had been fucking me. But i believe that I will never see either of them again, but either way I am going to make sure I come out of this and give my sister a reason to be proud of me. You have no idea how much it hurt when all if her friends walked up to me at the showing telling how she always talked about me and how period of me she was when in reality I've done nothing
Chuck what you need to do us just try your best to live your life the way you did before all this stuff happened.. Your a young guy, you don't need to be looking for any big answer to anything.. Life is full if questions and very few fave answers to them.. Just surround yourself with people who care about you and try and be as productive and happy as possible.. It might take a while but just slowly keep at it.. Big changes come from small steps.. And if you did get a bunch of money put it in a savings acct and forget about it for a while and use it later in life for when you have a family or buying a house etc.. Hang in there dude
I don't know the last time i my sister I loved her, and it kills me every fucking day. And the fact that will never, ever be able to tell any potential children I have about the amazing aunt and cousin they have will never meet. It doesn't make sense. I thought I was doing the grieving, but 10 months later it is full in steamrolling me.
I can only imagine how hard that would have been. You may not be proud of what you've done, but she must have been, and probably for good reason to. If you try to view the future with some positivity then you will start to get better, as hard as that may seem it's true. Have you thought about seeing a psychologist? I'm of the opinion they would be a good option for anyone to try.
There are no easy responses to what your going through.. I really feel like life doesn't have a real rhyme or reason and nothing can prepare someone for what you have to deal with.. But talking about what your going through.. Set up a support system for yourself I feel like it could do nothing but help.. And really do t try and make sense of the whole situation because it doesn't make sense.. All you can do is take small steps and try and live your life in a way that would honor them and make them proud.. It'll take a while though.. My best advice I could give is to not dwell on things to much or over think things.. Keep things as simple as you can
I'm a shutterbug, I made very few actual friends. But that just makes room for me to fuck off and explore the states for a couple months. I'm going to enroll for the fall. I've put off enough, it's time to start working. I'm not going to be a waste. I'm but using this money for anything but shit that may potentially help me in life. That seems to kit make sense, but you get what I mean. This shit has been building up and didn't escape until a couple weeks ago.
Maybe me and CC should talk. I know that th truth is, the chuck from 2011 died, As long as you were getting it on. Something along those lines, that's what is.
There have been like 30 earthquakes in NZ in the last two days. Hope @Gnomez is okaayy.
Thanks Monica. Haven't felt a thing where I live but Wellington has been shaking a bit. Three of our offices were closed in Friday due to shaking in the Lower north island and upper South Island
@TheCLIT don't make any rash decisions. Put that money away and take your time to think about how you really want to spend it. Take your time to think about what you want to do with yourself. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and take it easy man. I know it's hard and you'll still be grieving. We're hear to listen and help if we can
We should all go to Iowa and party
Fuck Iowa
His grandmother just died like last week
Bad moon...
most of them are going off between the two islands.
Thanks Monica. Haven't felt a thing where I live but Wellington has been shaking a bit. Three of our offices were closed in Friday due to shaking in the Lower north island and upper South Island