There is a difference between accepting someone's homosexuality, and believing that the act of gay sex is a sin. Many Christians accept gay people for who they are.
This is a pretty major contridiction...
You can't "accept" someone for being gay while also believing that being gay is wrong. That is what makes them who they are.
Also, why do you consider consentual recreational sex between adults to be a sin while you seem to have no issue with all these sodas you constantly drink that provide absolutey zero nutritional value? Safe sex can actually be more beneficial yet that's what's more deserving of hell? I'm not fully understanding this.
There is a difference between accepting someone's homosexuality, and believing that the act of gay sex is a sin. Many Christians accept gay people for who they are.
This is a pretty major contridiction...
You can't "accept" someone for being gay while also believing that being gay is wrong. That is what makes them who they are.
Also, why do you consider consentual recreational sex between adults to be a sin while you seem to have no issue with all these sodas you constantly drink that provide absolutey zero nutritional value? Safe sex can actually be more beneficial yet that's what's more deserving of hell? I'm not fully understanding this.
See the difference is being gay isn't whats wrong, but engaging in gay sex. Either way though, I personally don't care. I'm just trying to point out what is and isn't wrong according to what I understand about the Christian belief.
Also, I don't think that drinking all the soda I do is good either. I know its unhealthy, and if we're going to look at it from a Christian sin standpoint, I am technically indulging in gluttony as well as not "treating my body as a temple". It isn't necessarily better than two consensual adults engaging in "safe" sex. As it pertains to myself: I can control, ignore, and move past my sexual urges, whereas I still get hung up on indulging on food that is unhealthy. That's one of my vices.
Seriously idk any user by that name.
You can't "accept" someone for being gay while also believing that being gay is wrong. That is what makes them who they are.
Also, why do you consider consentual recreational sex between adults to be a sin while you seem to have no issue with all these sodas you constantly drink that provide absolutey zero nutritional value? Safe sex can actually be more beneficial yet that's what's more deserving of hell? I'm not fully understanding this.
Also, I don't think that drinking all the soda I do is good either. I know its unhealthy, and if we're going to look at it from a Christian sin standpoint, I am technically indulging in gluttony as well as not "treating my body as a temple". It isn't necessarily better than two consensual adults engaging in "safe" sex. As it pertains to myself: I can control, ignore, and move past my sexual urges, whereas I still get hung up on indulging on food that is unhealthy. That's one of my vices.